First, hyvää uutta vuotta kaikille! (Happy new year to everyone!)
Name: Tyler
Screen name: Kalevi/Ryuichi (nowadays, Kalevi moreso than Ryuichi)
Current location: North Idaho
Birth date: December 18
Sign: Horse/Sagittarius (however you look at it, Chinese zodiac matters more to me)
2010 In The Beginning......
Where did you ring in the New Year? At my computer.
Who were you with? Myself.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? Nope.
Did you make any resolutions? Nope.
If so did you keep them? N/A
2010 Your Love Life....
Single/Taken? Single...more or less.
How many relationships did you have? Almost 2...the first didn't last too long into the year.
How many break ups? 1, maybe 2 if you count the second one at all.
How many people did you kiss? 5. Yeah.......
2010 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year? Oh definitely. :)
Did any of your friendships end? Egh, basically. I'm keeping civil terms with her and I want to like her, but she's going to have to really impress me to earn my respect back.
Did you dislike anyone? Yeah. It's a human thing to do.
Did you get into any fights? No, but I've been the spectator in a couple conflicts. And I'm damn close to getting into one.
Did you make any new enemies? Not that I'm aware?
Did you resolve any fights? No, none to speak of on my end.
Who was your closest friend? Probably Katelynn, Izzy, and Holly. Of everyone in town, they know the most about me and I spend an awful lot of time with them.
2010....The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine? Lol, no.
Did the Easter bunny visit you? No. A lesson in the form of a hangover did, though. Not my proudest moment.
Did you watch fireworks on the 4th of July? Nope, I worked. After I played with the Pullman band at the Pullman event.
Did you dress up for Halloween? Hah, yes. This year wasn't as good as years past, though.
What did you do for Thanksgiving? Had lunch at my professor's house, and not much else. Lots of snow!
Did you receive what you wanted? Yes.
Were you good this holiday season? I always try to be good, no matter when it is. It's up to the survey whether I'm successful or not, though.
2010 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
How old did you turn? 20!
Did you have a cake? Nope.
What did you do for your birthday? I had lunch with Izzy, then I went to Pullman to see my roommate's play (which was freakin' hilarious, BTW), and then friends (who all ended up being fraternity brothers) came to Izzy's and we drank and played video games and watched movies.
Did you have a party? Yes. A small one, but a party nonetheless.
Did you get any presents? Yes. :) And I bought myself one that's apparently still on the way...
2010......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory? Way too many funny of them: my roommate (Kevin) and I were talking about a summer sausage that I bought, and he was saying how it's no good without crackers, which we didn't have. The conversation:
Me: (points to Kevin) "Hey, if you're looking for crackers, I found one."
Kevin: (points to me) "I dunno, I think I can only go for half a cracker right now."
Me: "Oh damn, you just found the chink in my armor."
Yeah, my friends and I go into racial humor a little too much. (Though we stick to making fun of ourselves.)
Saddest Memory? Not totally'd think I have obvious ones, but I'm not sure I'd call them sad now.
Most Embarassing Memory? Waaaaay too many.
Best Accomplishment? I won the concerto competition! :D Runner-up to that is when I came out in January. It's getting close to being a year since I've been out.
Favorite TV shows? Big Bang Theory...or what little I saw of it.
Favorite songs? "Työlki ellää," "La voix," "Rändajad," "Min plats på jorden," "Hääkellot," "Мамо"...Eurovision in general.
Favorite bands? Kuunkuiskaajat, Värttinä, Malena Ernman, Urban Symphony...oldies are also Barenaked Ladies, Evanescence, Norah Jones, Alanis Morissette.
Favorite food? New England clam chowder. Bread bowl is a plus.
Favorite stores? I don't really go to any one store nearly enough to have a favorite, per se.
Favorite restaurants? Shari's, A&W. Dear God, I wish I didn't live right next to an A&W...
Favorite piece of clothing? My grey shirt, my LGBTerrific t-shirt, and my hats (Estonia and Norway in particular)
2010.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year? Tell me you don't change at all after you come out of the closet. xD
Did you dye your hair? Nope.
Did you get your hair cut? Yup, several times. I look horrible when my hair's longer than about an inch.
Did you change your style? A little bit, I suppose. I wear beanies a lot now, and I'm not afraid to just wear a t-shirt without any other shirt anymore.
Were you in school? Yep...
Did you have a job? Two of them.
Did you drive? Yup.
Did you own a car? Someone gave me my first car in March.
Did you lose anyone this year? Not by death, no.
Did anyone close to you give birth? No.
Did you move at all? Nope.
Did you go on any vacations? I went to Spokane/Coeur d'Alene for a weekend this summer. It doesn't sound like much of a vacation, but I rarely go up there and I had fun doing what I needed to do there.
Did you leave the country at all? Nope.
Would you change anything about yourself now? No. I will change as time goes on--it's called growing up.
2010.....Wrap Up.
Was 2010 a good year? Most definitely.
Do you have any regrets? Nothing major, I just wish that I would have dropped Principles of Music Teaching when I had the opportunity.
Did 2010 bring any new insights? God still loves us all and we can all still follow him, whether we are gay or straight, trans- or cisgendered, or anything else like that.
Do you think 2011 will top 2010? I sure hope it will.
Do you have any goals for 2011? Find a grad school, and make it over to Finland.
If you could relive any moment which would you choose? Tough call...maybe our initiation ceremony, because it was awesome to see it from the other perspective.
If you could forget any moment what would it be? Urgh, I can think of a couple...they're the few embarrassing moments I have that I still feel embarrassed about.
Do you wish 2010 wouldn't end? Hah, no. Time goes on and waits for no one.
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2010? Didn't really...just hung out with Izzy after my shift at work was done. And I didn't make it back to the Tri-Cities for NYEE. Sad.
First misfortune of the new year is already upon me. I was trying to go to church this morning; something didn't feel right with my car the whole time, like I was dragging something behind me or something. But I didn't see anything in my mirrors. I was trying to climb the hill near the church building, and I couldn't do it. I tried going around the other way and I couldn't even make it up the small hill on that street. Finally I gave up and parked at the Arby's at the foot of the hill, and I took a look at my car before I walked up the hill, and this is what I saw:
I have no idea what the hell happened to it, but it was definitely sometime between the night before and this morning, because I definitely didn't notice my tire blowing out while I was driving. Luckily my friend Frank came by when I called and help me get a different tire on my car (since I apparently had everything I needed except for a lug wrench and the knowledge of how to change a tire). I ended up spending the entire day gaming at his place...I'll admit I've kinda gotten into DnD, but I hate when we get stuck on the same battle for hours on end because gorrammit, I wanna roleplay. And then I played Age of Empires with Frank and a couple of his friends for a little while longer before I felt like I needed to come home and recharge my batteries.
Ah, what else...I've been working on Persona 4 for a little while. I realized that since Kevin lets me use his PS2 freely, I could be giving myself a better option for something to do at home instead of hanging on Facebook all day long. It's proving to be a great game...I like the meld between turn-based RPG and a high school sim. And my favorite characters so far...Kanji (who's in my icon, and yes,
elegante, you were right) and Yukiko (don't even ask, I don't know...for some reason I tend to like Yamato Nadeshiko-type characters, especially when they start looking like deconstructions). I don't really dislike anyone (except sometimes I wanna slap Yosuke pretty badly, and d'oh, Dojima!). I'm not sure exactly how far along I am, other than that I'm in the middle of rescuing Rise.
And sorry,
aerodactylus for not responding to your comment. Hopefully you had a merry Christmas, and it seems like you had a happy new year. :)
So that's my life right're you all?