So.. I think only 2 people on my friends list care about this.. but Hockey starts on wednesday.. I have been excited all summer.. loggin onto every friggin day...
I am now the proud owner of Snakes on a Train and it looks horrible.. I can';t believe I bought it..
Oh I also bought Zoltan: Hound of Dracula .. Or also known as Dracula's Dog..
I went to cd plus to pick up a copy of Toxic Avenger.. a Troma film.. but then discovered that there would be a box set for the film and its sequals. So I ordered them
Apparently I am a big grumpy pants.. I have determined this myself.. I got grumpy because Alyssa had to do laundry so i left.. then I find out the next day she didn't do laundry.. who the heck cares.. apparently I did.. oh well
I like this job.. I just wish they had something for me to do.. Cause often I am just sitting here staring at the wall.