Title: Ashes of the Moon
Author name:
Corby Artist name:
Ocenbrez Genre: RPS AU
Rating: NC17 for violence
Word count:42,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Violence, swearing, angst, h/c (heavy on the H - what else do you expect from me? Minor character death).
Summary: Jared Padalecki, an inexperienced and uncertain young man, is sent to Kibilisa, Africa, to work for his church. Less than a month later the country is torn apart by civil war. Alone in charge of a group of children, he despairs of surviving - until he meets a mysterious man named Jensen Ackles who seems to know the country and the language. Their journey together will bring them terror, pain, horror and the deepest grief; but also friendship, self-sacrifice, love and redemption.
My heartfelt thanks to my excellent betas and comrades in writing,
Carole and
Ocenbrez , who made this story better and convinced me to post this. It is my first venture into SPN/ J2 RPS AU writing, and the experience has been a wonderful one. Thanks to the mods of BigBang for all their extraordinary efforts. We are here thanks to their vision and effort.
And thanks to
Ocenbrez , for her simply astounding art. Go and look, for that alone. Stay for the fic.
Link to fic:
Chapter One Link to art: The art is posted throughout the text, and placed to enhance the story. My thanks to the wonderful artists on
Deviantart for their great work with brushes and bases and for sharing;
Marishna for her amazing screen caps of astounding quality; the great photographers at
stock.xchng for sharing their work; and finally
Corby for writing an inspirational piece of fiction that got my creative juices flowing again after far too long.
Art work not to be hotlinked or cross posted without artist’s permission.