A while back, I decided to start posting some of my favorite clips from Luke's coming out story line and Luke/ Noah's story line primarily because I do not really recognize the Luke Snyder currently being presented on my screen. It has been several weeks since my last installment, so here is my next chronological favorite...
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These were the first Luke Snyder scenes I ever watched, and I was almost immediately drawn into the story. My discovery of them was pure coincidence as I had been searching for clips of the latest OLTL episode on YouTube (this was long before anyone had even heard of Kyle or Fish) and these clips were listed in the 'related videos' section. Therefore, I watched them on a whim and soon it was goodbye OLTL, hello ATWT.
There were several aspects of these scenes which impressed me, and compelled me to watch the story line in its entirety. First, Van Hansis made me feel exactly what Luke was feeling: anxious, scared, and relieved. The ability to evoke such emotions in a viewer is, in my opinion, the mark of a talented actor. The trembling voice, the shifting eyes, the overall sad eyes were just spot on. Second, Jon Hensley once again played the role of concerned father with such subtlety and believability I almost forgot that I was watching a fictional television program. The same can be said for Martha Byrne.
Watching these clips makes it even easier to understand what ATWT appears to currently lack: believable, logical, family-oriented story lines with meaningful depth and impact.
Clip courtesy of: MarkDutchViewer