[. 001. ] first name: Courtney
[ .002. ] middle name: Marie
[ .003. ] Last name: Pease
[ .004. ] nickname(s): , boo boo, and penis enlargement (by who else?!? Jessica)
[ .005. ] gender: female
[ .006. ] age: 18
[ .007. ] birthday: March 19
[ .008. ] height: 5'8
[ .009. ] hair color: Red, for the time being.
[ .010. ] eye color: brown!
[ .012. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: nope!
[ .013. ] do you have braces: nope
[ .014. ] is your hair long or short: shoulder length, so whatever you call that!
[ .015. ] Where were you born: michigan
[ .016. ] current location: Birmingham, pretty soon Ypsi with Tara!! woop woop!
[ .017. ] zodiac sign: pisces
[[ .018. ] how many languages do you know: 2
[ .019. ] nationality: italian and french canadian
[ .020. ] bad habits: nail biting and smoking
[ .021. ] piercings you have: tongue and ears
[ .022. ] piercings you want: labret and or eye brow
[ .023. ] tattoos you have: none
[ .024. ] tattoos you want: none
[ .025. ] today's date: August 3
[ .026. ] the time: 10:31 p.m
: private life :
[ .186. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: yeah!!! I don't know if you consider Lionel my boyfriend lol, he's more like my husband... lol, we can never get enough of each other! lol, I'm a loser.
[ .187. ] do you have a crush: look ^
[ .188. ] do you love anyone right now: look ^ but I am in love.
[ .189. ] have you ever been in love: hmmm... let me think, no.... YES!
[ .190. ] how many people have you kissed: I don't know.
[ .191. ] who was your first kiss: a kid named Derek in kindergarten.
(.192. ] how many hearts have you broken: I know of one, but, I don't know if there are more... I hope not...
[ .193. ] how many people broke your heart: we don't talk about that.
[ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: I'll admit it, since no one else will. I look for looks first. But, then I get to know them and if their looks come with NO personality, GOODBYE!
[ .201. ] ever kiss a friend: yeah!
[ .202. ] are you still friends: yeah!
[ .203. ] do you smoke: yeah
[ .204. ] do you smoke weed: no
[ .205. ] ever trip on acid: yeah... Everynight... what the fuck?!? no.
[ .206. ] how about a little x: nope, been around too many people who have done it.
[ .207. ] crack, heroin, anything else: nope.
[ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: after I'm wasted, delicious. When I have one or two drinks in me, disgusting... So it depends.
[ .209. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: yeah sometimes, but, I want something that will hit me hard! lol.
[ .210. ] do you like smirnoff ice: I think I have had it only once, and I don't remember.
[ .211. ] prefer beer or liquor: HARD liquor
[ .212. ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: Newport shorts in a box... Oh wait, thought I was at the gas station.
: have you ever :
[ .258. ] flashed someone: hell yeah. At McDonalds with Ashley, and Krista we wanted free food so we flashed the guy we were supposed to pay, and we got all we wanted! lol.
[ .259. ] told the person you liked how you felt: yeah... That's only happened twice, and the second time was a big mistake. We broke up a week later. *cough* Nathan *cough*
[ .261. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: are we talking about in THIS country? Cause if you are talking about different countries, I could tell you about France, and 16 shots later, and hanging over the toilet for an hour and a half, and then being kicked out by the bouncer... hmmm... good times.
[ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: nope
[ .263. ] skateboarded: I tried, and failed successfully.
[ .264. ] skinny dipped: yeah
[ .265. ] stolen anything: yeah
[ .267. ] kicked someone's butt: nope
[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: yeah
[ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: yeah
[ .272. ] flipped someone off: oh with my road rage, nope! lol
[ .273. ] gone on a road trip: no
[ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: yeah
[ .275. ] been to a concert: yeah
[ .276. ] been to another country: yeah
[ .277. ] talked back to an adult: yeah
[ .278. ] got pulled over: yeah
[ .279. ] got in a car accident: yeah
[ .280. ] broke a law: yeah
[ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: yeah
[ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: no
[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: who can say, without lying, that they haven't?
[ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: yeah
[ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: oh yeah, since Kyle's friends are SO attractive... Sick.
[ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it neways: that would be a waste.