Movies are great!

Sep 19, 2005 18:06

Heh, I guess I should add a few of my own experiences to this little blog story of mine.

3:40pm - And the world turns once again. School was the worst today. Nothing happened... I went to Art and then skipped Math. I hate math, because I find that the stuff we're learning is way below what I'm capable of. Screw Math, I'm just in there for the easy A. Art was okay, since we're doing our pottery I can sit back and relax... At least till Wednsday when I have to have it finished.

The fun part of the day was when I skipped. I had time to hang out with a few friends and chit chat. I really didn't do much else though, and we'll even after class I just chilled a with the friends who came out of class...

8:49pm - Wow, that was the best movie I have ever seen! Lord of War was the best Nicolas Cage movie ever! All the gore, naked women, and plot was awsome! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! I went with a few friends and we all enjoyed it so much, we might go back and see it again. The movie is a defiant Must See in my book. *.*

11:56pm - I need to sleep. I can't seem to get those pretty women out of my mind. God, I'm such a guy... Too bad I have two X cromosomes. :3 God I love being female. My girlfriend likes it too. XD Okay. must sleep now... Maybe I won't wake up in pain again.
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