Time to air out your dirty laundry, clear those old skeletons out of the closet, and just get the load off of your chest. All comments made to this entry MUST BE ANONYMOUS, unless you just really want to incriminate yourself
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Get the boob lift and don't tell anyone until you are ready. I'm sure at some point you will not care how people will judge you because you are happy with your decision. That is what matters!
We are all the worst parent in one way or another. We can't escape that but I also believe that you are the best parent in some ways too. We just have to plug along and do our best. Our kid(s) will see that we are trying our best and love us for it.
I know how that it feels to think no one will love me. Someone out there does love you and someone you haven't met yet, is waiting to love you. Are you ready to receive love into your life? If so, it will come to you. Be patient and try to smile.
Comments 47
*You are not alone.*
i feel like no one will ever love me.
I know how that it feels to think no one will love me. Someone out there does love you and someone you haven't met yet, is waiting to love you. Are you ready to receive love into your life? If so, it will come to you. Be patient and try to smile.
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