Hey!! I'm Thea. themoonbar implied that you were doing some Farscape toe dipping. Welcome!! Hope you're enjoying the ride. My curiosity was piqued and I put you on my friends list.
themoonbar implied that you were doing some Farscape toe dipping. Welcome!! Hope you're enjoying the ride. My curiosity was piqued and I put you on my friends list.
*sends Anna warm thoughs*
Welcome to the TV shows insanity. "Farscape" is my newest kink - I'm only done with season one, though, so still pretty green. All this friending insanity has been brought about by me mentioning that "Farscape" is my newest fandom and researchminion getting into it at the same time. Anna has been pimping us some LJ Farscape fans and pimping US around too :-) I really do love this fandom already.
You've been friended :-) Should have access to my friends-only entires momentarily.
I LOVE Alan Rickman. I can't explain why really, I've just always had a thing for him, ever since he was the most evil Sherriff of Nottingham ever. What a middle-aged hottie.
Certainly. I won't be checking out your LJ yet, in case you posted book 5 spoilers, but once I've read them book xpect me to be a frequent guest. You should have access to all the Sark/Snape fiction recommendations now :-)
Never fear. All and any spoilers are hidden nicely behind LJ-cuts. Just for the fact that I would have *hated* to have been spoiled by somebody carelessly posting.
I'm going through your recs now, trying to find the Sark fics I haven't read as of yet. Hm. Let there be more! I already have about 90 ... (including multi-chaptered ones, so I culd be miscalculating)
Never fear. All and any spoilers are hidden nicely behind LJ-cuts. Just for the fact that I would have *hated* to have been spoiled by somebody carelessly posting.
Oh,oh, exactly! I have created a custom group of friends where I added people who swore to me they won't spoil me. I'm going to sort you there.
I'm going through your recs now, trying to find the Sark fics I haven't read as of yet. Hm. Let there be more!
I usually didn't recommend something that was already recommended in other journals or/and over at Alias recs. notasalomon is a huge Sark fan, too, and she just recommended a bunch.
Comments 550
*sends Anna warm thoughs*
Welcome to the TV shows insanity. "Farscape" is my newest kink - I'm only done with season one, though, so still pretty green. All this friending insanity has been brought about by me mentioning that "Farscape" is my newest fandom and researchminion getting into it at the same time. Anna has been pimping us some LJ Farscape fans and pimping US around too :-) I really do love this fandom already.
You've been friended :-) Should have access to my friends-only entires momentarily.
The leather IS my kink!!! We've been just obsessing over it last night!
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GASP! Really? Look here!
It was "Sense & Sensibility" that did it for me. Snape only made my obsession grow to enormous proportions.
Dn't need to watch Alias to be welcome here. Farscape-lurve speaks for itself. *g*
I'm in ... that is, if you let me.
Yeah. That's it in a nutshell. *g*
I'm in ... that is, if you let me.
Certainly. I won't be checking out your LJ yet, in case you posted book 5 spoilers, but once I've read them book xpect me to be a frequent guest. You should have access to all the Sark/Snape fiction recommendations now :-)
I'm going through your recs now, trying to find the Sark fics I haven't read as of yet. Hm. Let there be more! I already have about 90 ... (including multi-chaptered ones, so I culd be miscalculating)
Oh,oh, exactly! I have created a custom group of friends where I added people who swore to me they won't spoil me. I'm going to sort you there.
I'm going through your recs now, trying to find the Sark fics I haven't read as of yet. Hm. Let there be more!
I usually didn't recommend something that was already recommended in other journals or/and over at Alias recs. notasalomon is a huge Sark fan, too, and she just recommended a bunch.
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