Character: Cornelius
Series: Odin Sphere
Character Age: Between 16 to 19 years of age.
Canon: In Odin Sphere, the world teeters on the brink of ruin. Old men and cunning rulers scheme and vie for control over the most powerful magical artifact the world has known, but their selfish struggle only serves to speed along the end of times, Armageddon. As usual only a handful of angst-ridden, lovelorn teenagers are capable of saving or destroying the world as they play their roles within a dreadful Prophecy, all while they do battle against their own inner demons and the great beasts conjured by human greed and malice.
Cornelius, one of the chosen of prophecy, is a cursed and transformed fairy-tale prince. On route to a romantic rendezvous with his beloved Velvet, he is turned into a Pooka (a small, rabbit-like humanoid) and thrown into the Netherworld, thus beginning a heroic journey that tests the resolve of his idealism and passion. Cornelius is the embodiment of courtly love and chivalry, willing to risk life, limb, and comfort for the benefit of others. His pure-hearted naïveté, however, is constantly threatened by the alien (to him) nihilistic and self-serving evils of the world. Although plagued with insecurity about his Pooka form, he musters the strength necessary to protect what is dear to him, as well as the courage needed to prove that the measure of a man is in his heart and not in his (diminished) stature.
Sample Post:
Once more have I awoken in a strange new land. I do not yet understand the vagaries of this realm, nor do I know where it exists in relation to my native Titania, but I endeavour to find out. What I have discerned, despite appearances to the contrary, is that this is no repeat sojourn into Queen Odette's Netherworld; while the dead do roam here freely, they all but lack the loquaciousness which so categorises the corpses of Erion. Where once I was waylaid by skeletons eager to tell me of their passions and pains together with their sins and misdeeds and utter lack of remorse, now I am simply accosted by violent, brutish husks of men! Empty is how they strike me, in a way no living corpse has before, and the chill of their simplistic vocabulary shall perhaps haunt my dreams for far longer than their worm-rotted visage.
Oh, how far have I been brought from you, Velvet, that the dead no longer make for passable conversation...
That the flora here is familiar gives me hope that I am not too far afield from home. There exist berries and fruit enough to feast upon, and feisty fire-breathing mandragora a-plenty with which to cook with, leaving my attention wholly fixed on finding a path that may return me to where I must be. Yet what if that is here? There must be reason for my displacement, and my first suspicion is that it may be related to my curse, though I have my doubts. In seeking signs of civilisation, I have only spied upon the rudest indications by way of abundantly littered sheepskin and the discarded lacy underthings of ladies. The immodesty of such a people, given the quantity of the debris, would be a sight I am not certain I would welcome. If they have information I can take back to the Pooka Village, however--
What is this? Pooka in a foreign land! Though they are white with red eyes and sharpened teeth, they are surely Pooka! So my intuition was accurate. Hail, I am Cornelius, seeking the cure for our affliction. I would appreciate any aid and succour you may readily spare, as well as what information has been gathered on this fell wood. Why yes, I shall gladly follow; the location of your Pooka village would be invaluable help until I learn a route back to Erion. Perhaps we might discuss how it was your kin came to be in these lands.
My, is this your village? I can not say I approve of this decor. Are those worn skulls underfoot? Hanging from the pikes... that was once a man, was it not? Please have grace enough to tell me those steaming roasts are not of a similar nature. They are? I see. Regrettably, I believe I have changed my mind about imposing upon your hospitality; do forgive me, but it may be best that I continue my quest elsewhere immediately.
Princess Velvet, for once I am glad of your absence, which spares you the horror of knowing that such dread Pooka exist...
You will not allow me exit? I am to be your next meal? This sword of mine is no fool's jape or mummer's prop, I warn, and I will defend myself if I must. Understand that I, Cornelius of Titania, have a promise to keep, and a princess waiting. Now stand aside so that this may yet resolve without undue violence...
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