That's such a huge amount of change to take in all at once - I think it's only natural to have a strong reaction to that. And you wrote about it so beautifully, too.
Thanks so much, katie. I have a feeling that this is only the tip of the iceburg, and it's the first time it's really hit home. But I think (hope) I'll be able to tackle it.
You're an amazing person, Julie. It'll be hard at first, but you'll make it through. Experience is going to make you all the wiser; and with your eloquence, weaving it into your writing will take your talents to a whole new level. A lot of people can write, but not everyone has the substance to write about.
You'll be okay. Good people always attract other good people, no matter where they are. *hugs tight*
No but really...thank you. It helps to know that I have so many support systems going on around me. I do believe in myself, and I know I can do this...I just can't even explain the feeling. And it makes me sad that my senior friends are graduating and leaving. It's really hard, to think that we probably won't ever been in the same room again together. It's strange.
Thanks so much for always being there, sky. Seriously. You're the bestest. No really, you are.
Haha computerlove. Thanks so much Caleb. I know you guys will never be far away. Actually, come to think of it, my relationship with you guys will probably go through the least amount of change...because no matter where I am, you're always as close as my computer screen.
Comments 10
You'll be okay. Good people always attract other good people, no matter where they are. *hugs tight*
Just....thanks. *hugs tight back*
No but really...thank you. It helps to know that I have so many support systems going on around me. I do believe in myself, and I know I can do this...I just can't even explain the feeling. And it makes me sad that my senior friends are graduating and leaving. It's really hard, to think that we probably won't ever been in the same room again together. It's strange.
Thanks so much for always being there, sky. Seriously. You're the bestest. No really, you are.
I know it's hard, but you are going to have an AMAZING experience. And, you'll keep in touch with the people, like Sky said. Computer, love.
You are great Julie. <3
Haha computerlove. Thanks so much Caleb. I know you guys will never be far away. Actually, come to think of it, my relationship with you guys will probably go through the least amount of change...because no matter where I am, you're always as close as my computer screen.
Ha. I kinda like that.
<3 you back.
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