Hello, happy people! This is my first time on LJ in a little over two weeks. I have barely even been on the computer in that time. I guess I'm pretty quiet on LJ, but I'm actually on the internet a lot; it's terribly addicting and it eats up so much time that could be spent doing better things. I've been a little scared to get back on the
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Comments 1
I'm excited for your family that Sebastian is learning some verbal communication skills. That's an exciting milestone!
I wrote down a bunch of stuff that Tykie used to say when she still had the baby patois. I read over some of it a while ago. It's amazing and scary how I almost forgot that for over a year, Tykie called Malachi "Wah-tye."
I understand not wanting to get sucked into the intarwebz again, but I miss you.
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