dearest livejournal I've missed you. working 10 hours a day+ wrapping cables, production job, it's good for me, keeps me occupied, but my head is in a cloud, one cloud, my heart is a little squished, stomach on empty, not sure, feel hope feel sad, confuse, me, they use me blows a fuse abuse you myself
There are many reasons one should watch this show (cinematography, sound, score) At one point a character uses the phrase "You can stick that in your pipe and smoke it," in all serious fervent.
its one of those stretches when I fuck everything in my path up.....literally. ran off the road and ruined my radiator and fan. looks like that may not be the only problem with the car though. so awesome..
grrrr I just want to better my life and better the lives of others. all it seems I do is eat yards with my car.