Aug 01, 2009 19:29


These butterflies are a little more than just a nuisance, aren't they? They seem to be fond of flesh, and my how unique that is really. Acid rain, and now man-eating insects. I can only imagine what will outdo these next.

[Police Lock | UNHACKABLE]

I have yet to locate the man named Angeal and his captor, Kadaj. Out of curiosity, what is the motive for the latter to kidnap and harm the former? Perhaps determining that will help us locate his possible hideaway.

I've been hearing deaths of "Messiahs" throughout the network, with these butterflies as the cause. Are there any orders regarding the apprehending of the source?


Ah, before I forget. Welcome to Discedo, Tear. I'm hoping you'll stay a little longer than my previous two companions who came and went in a blink of an eye. Having some company from the same world other than loud-mouthed and obnoxious creatures is a refreshing change.

just when i thought chips out was good, police force business, artes are my babies and i miss them, spear i has it, pinging dist for the lols, brb being a jerk, infernal prison--oh shit, extending the network oh yeah

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