boring day didnt see akko and watch suicide club like i thought.. oh well maybe sometime this week.. :/ velfarre thingamagliven this saturday at gtXD
stolen from Caity
>1. name: Adam Joseph Desmond
>2. single or taken: taken
>3. sex: male
>4. birthday: July 28
>5. Zodiac sign: leo
>6. siblings: 1. Stephen
>7. hair color: last time i saw my natural hair it was dirty blonde/light brown
>8. eye color: Blue-ish greenish?
>9. shoe size: 13
>10. height: 6'1
>r e l a t i o n s h i p s
>1. who are your best friends? : hmm like chris and tracy are the ones i talk to the most
>2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yush
>f a s h i o n | s t u f f
>1. where is your favorite place to shop?: i don't like to.. i get my pants from pac sun??
>2. any tattoos or piercings: nuu
>s p e c i f i c s
>1. do you do drugs?: nope
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: whatever is in the shower.. i am using like ...pantene pro-v haha
3. what are you most scared of?: my room at night is fuggin creepy O.O
5. who is the last person that called you?: mah momma just called me.
6. where do you want to get married?: eye dee kay???
>7. how many buddies are online right now?: 15
>8. what would you change about yourself?: a lot
>f a v o r i t e s
>1. color: red
>2. food: stuff .. i like lotsa food'ns
>3. boys names: Riku, Cyrus, and another i can't remember >.<
>4. girls names: Beatrix
>5. subjects in school: i fancy my sculpture class
>7. sports: Martial arts 8D
>h a v e | y o u | e v e r
>1. smoked?: no
>2. bungee jumped?: nope
>3. made yourself throw up?: yeah. for a dare haha
>4. skinny dipped?: yus
>5: been in love?: i dont know any more
>6. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: nope
>7. cried when someone died?: yeah.
>8. lied: yeah but nothing huge
>9. fallen for your best friend?: yeah i guess
>10. been rejected?: yup a lots
>11. rejected someone?: no ive been asked out like once.
>12. used someone?: nope
>13. done something you regret?: yes
>c u r r e n t
>clothes: homer simpson "old school"shirt and navy blue transnine pants
>smell: me.. i smell great today
>favorite movie: not sure i have one
>desktop picture: Dir en Grey
>book you're reading: catcher in the rye
>in dvd player: none
>color of toenails: toenail color XD
>l a s t | p e r s o n
>you hugged: i think tia?
>you imed: Chris sciaraffa
>you yelled at: cameron i think haha
>you kissed: kind of pathetic.. i was with larissa yesterday but the last person i kissed was like.. chris(for some dare or something..dont remember)
>a r e | y o u
>understanding: i think
>open-minded: i try
>arrogant: im pretty sure im not
>insucure: yeah
>interesting: sure.
>random: on a good day.
>hungry: no.
>smart: people tell me all the time. though others say im dumb as a rock. hmmmm
>moody: yeah but only sometimes.
>hard-working: i'm pretty lazy haha.
>organized: nooo....
>healthy: i dont know .. dont particularly care
>shy: yeah.. with the opposite sex
>attractive: how do i know?
>obsessed: with what?
>r a n d o m
>in the morning i am: tired
>all i need is: the obvious ones.. and peoples
>i dream about: video game esque adventures and sometimes my cousins / friends
>o p p o s i t e | s e x
>what do you notice first: i try not to but sometimes de boobs haha(if theyre like OUT there)
usually eyes/face
>last person you slow danced with: never have.
>last person you grinded with: never have.
>worst question to ask: anything pertaining to sex.. unless your kidding around and you know them well
>who has a crush on you: uh.. i guess larissa seeing as shes going out with me haha
>d o | y o u | e v e r
>sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: thats basically what sitting online is haha
>wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: not really.. just kinda curious
>wish you were younger: no
>cried because someone said something to you?: i have
>n u m b e r
>of times i have had my heart broken: only once really
>of hearts i have broken: one i think
>of guys i've kissed: 2? idk.
>of girls i've kissed: uh 8 i think
>of continents i have lived in: 1. north america.
>of tight friends: 5 - 8
>of cds i own: idk a bunch?
>of scars on my body: a bunch.. i get injured alot
>f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
>1. do you believe in god? idk
>2. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: saw
>3. favorite disney movie?: alice in wonderland
>4. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: none
>5. who would you love being locked in a room with?: like.. larissa XD..
>6. could you live without your computer?: sadly. no.
>7. would you color your hair?: i have already it was purple once ;_;
>8. habla espanol?: nein... haha
>9. what does your room look like?: quite the creepy messyness
>10. who is your hero?: i dont know...