The one scanner passengers were being funneled through was branded L3 Systems, which to my knowledge only provides millimeter wave scanners to the TSA. There were signs in the queue indicating that there were millimeter wave scanners in use and that passengers had the right to opt out. Supervisor Michael Cain explicitly told us they were "not millimeter wave scanners," and when I asked what they were he explained that they used radio waves and not x-rays and barely penetrated your clothes, which basically sounds like millimeter wave scanners. He's not a very good actor.
Our first time through, we were the last two of about five opt-outs in a row, so I'd had to wait about 15 minutes on the other side of the machines from where all the drama unfolded. Unfortunately, I never saw any of what happened to Robynne except a brief glimpse of her walking off in a direction that meant nothing to me with a TSA agent and Angel Ponce, the guard from Securitas.
Both of my gropers were friendly, polite, and professional.
I've also been told once or twice that my health concerns with the millimeter wave scanners (which is my personal biggest reason for opting out) are unfounded because they're "not x-rays" and "not radiation" (the former of course being true but irrelevant, and the latter completely ridiculous). I think there's a combination of both trying to tell the passengers whatever might make them calm down and genuinely having no idea how the tech they're using works.
Also pay a visit to Travel Underground. You'll find a lot of like-minded people there who are trying to take back travel from the ever-reaching hands of the Terrorists Searching Americans.
It's disgusting. I can't believe so much of the country is willing to tolerate this. I thought for sure the outrage would put a quick end to these procedures when they first announced them, but people seem to think groping and irradiating all the passengers is a reasonable precaution to prevent the almost non-existent terror attempts.
Yeah, I got comments like that from the guard, Angel Ponce. He was basically saying, don't make waves, don't make a scene, just submit and get out of here so you can get to your flight.
I think a lot of people think like that: they decide it's not a big deal to be scanned or groped, so why make a fuss? You gotta put up with it to fly, and you want to fly, don't you? It's your fault if you don't make it through security. What's the big deal?
What you experienced was reprehensible but I also gather it is "par for the course" in Honolulu.
Second, I am concerned about the "private guard" whom you mention, especially your giving him your ID to be copied.
I honestly don't believe that the TSA has any "private guards." Do you think you could have been mistaken and that possibly this person, Angel Ponce, could, in fact, be a TSA employee?
Thank you for standing up for people's rights. This makes me ill. The TSA is so un-American for the country I grew up believing in.
[I pause my typing for 90 seconds while I avoid puking on my keyboard.]
Other than contributing to the ACLU, the EFF, and calling my senators and congresspeople every time this comes up I don't know what to do. The next generation it will just get worse, because they've grown up under constant surveillance and never known anything different. We have achieved nanny-state, and it's only getting worse from here.
The feeling of powerlessness is so infuriating. The TSA has absolutely no incentive to change. I can complain to them about my treatment at the hands of Stso. Parker, but so what? Nothing will happen to her, I'm sure, and nothing will happen to the TSA.
I plan to write to both California senators, as well as the ones in Hawaii, since this affects tourism, and right now I'm not especially keen on going back. Other than that I'm at a loss.
You are absolutely right: it is un-American. It's a police state. It's sick. This should not be normal.
You are NOT powerless. Don't forget that. Maybe in that one instance for that period of time, you were not able to control the outcome. But don't stop fighting it. There are many, many others of us out there that are fighting this battle. And @ Beth, teach your children. Talk about it. Teach them the Constitution. Teach them their rights as Americans. Instill in them good reasoning powers. Support them when they stand up to injustice. My generation really dropped the ball. The only thing I've been able to do at this point is teach my children well, fight the system as best I can, and trust and hope that there are millions of others like me that are doing the same thing. The greatest thing we can give our children is information and teach them to question. Information is power.
Comments 23
Our first time through, we were the last two of about five opt-outs in a row, so I'd had to wait about 15 minutes on the other side of the machines from where all the drama unfolded. Unfortunately, I never saw any of what happened to Robynne except a brief glimpse of her walking off in a direction that meant nothing to me with a TSA agent and Angel Ponce, the guard from Securitas.
Both of my gropers were friendly, polite, and professional.
I think a lot of people think like that: they decide it's not a big deal to be scanned or groped, so why make a fuss? You gotta put up with it to fly, and you want to fly, don't you? It's your fault if you don't make it through security. What's the big deal?
What you experienced was reprehensible but I also gather it is "par for the course" in Honolulu.
Second, I am concerned about the "private guard" whom you mention, especially your giving him your ID to be copied.
I honestly don't believe that the TSA has any "private guards." Do you think you could have been mistaken and that possibly this person, Angel Ponce, could, in fact, be a TSA employee?
[I pause my typing for 90 seconds while I avoid puking on my keyboard.]
Other than contributing to the ACLU, the EFF, and calling my senators and congresspeople every time this comes up I don't know what to do. The next generation it will just get worse, because they've grown up under constant surveillance and never known anything different. We have achieved nanny-state, and it's only getting worse from here.
I plan to write to both California senators, as well as the ones in Hawaii, since this affects tourism, and right now I'm not especially keen on going back. Other than that I'm at a loss.
You are absolutely right: it is un-American. It's a police state. It's sick. This should not be normal.
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