Okay, well, here it goes. . .
The day started out around 8:30am or so. Both Allison’s stayed over night at my house, and Breanna came over at around that time. So, after her arrival we packed up the car and made our way toward the gas station to fill up (only had to fill up the tank a little, but it needed to be full) and then the bank before making our way towards Chicago, leaving at approximately 9:00am-ish.
The trip down wasn’t too bad. There was construction, so that did slow us down a bit and the traffic was pretty heavy, which surprised me a little, but all in all, the drive down was pretty decent and we didn’t really run into any major problems. We used Breanna’s GPS system to get down there (omg, was it nice. *___*), which made the trip down (and back up) SO much easier.
So, we arrived in Chicago at about, gosh between 11:30am and noon and at first, we were like, “where the hell do we park?” so we dropped off Breanna and Allison B and they got into the line while we called the venue and asked where we could park. They told us there was a bank behind the venue and we could park there, so we (Allison and I) go to park there and I notice that there is a sign that unauthorized vehicles will be towed. I parked and we were like, this should be okay, but of course, I’m thinking it is, though I kept the car parked there. We got out, put all the shit in the trunk and made our way to the venue. When we got there, we noticed Allison B and Breanna were about 15 down in the line, which was totally fine, so we got by them and then we started talking to these pretty awesome people. They were, quite frankly, beyond awesome - like, super cool. XD
Anyway, as the time goes by (with the sun, like, burning us) we continued to talk to them (Tiffany, Anna, Mary Lou and Fatisha - omg, I think that was her name. >____<) and we continued to have quite a good amount of fun in the line. At around like, 3ish or so, a woman - who I think was a complete bitch, but that is my opinion - came out and said that if we had camera’s on us, we had to take them back to our cars or wherever or we would NOT be allowed in the venue. We all had cameras, so Allison and I took everyone’s cameras back to the car and when we got there, I, still worried about being parked in the bank, decided to move the car. We found a spot a little ways down the street, so I told Allison to stand there and save it while I ran back and pulled the car in. So, I did and that was pretty much that and I saved us from maybe being stuck at a tow station for god knows how long and a fine. After that, Tiffany came around and put her camera in my car and we went back to standing in line.
Finally, 6:00pm rolled around and nothing happened. So, everyone in our little group started singing songs and trying to past the time because the stupid venue had yet to let us in. It was pretty great. We got some claps from the people in the line, too. XD Anyway, by 6:30pm they started letting us in and I guess there were letting us in by 20 and I didn’t know that and I had been holding Allison’s arm, so when I went to go, he stopped her and I was like “she is with me, she has to go” and of course, he pulls back and says “only 20, so you have to stay back”. So, both Allison’s and I had to stay back for a few minutes before we were let in and it was a mad dash up this set of stairs and waiting a few more minutes then necessary to have him check the will call thing (we couldn’t pick up our tickets earlier then when the doors open, which I said “Wtf?” to). Then, we made a made dash up the next flight and I got the venue and was like “shit. O-o” because it was so small, but then went next to Fatisha - who was standing in the second row by Yumehito (yay! that’s where I wanted to be. ^^) - and stood there while Allison went to get the goods to get the meet & greet passes for us. As I waited, I noticed that the stage was literally two feet in front of me and the baracade, which was two pieces of duck tape (seriously. -__-;;) a foot in front of me and I was like, “shit, I’m really fucking close. XD”. Anyway, then, I found out that I had to get my own merch to get the pass, so I asked Fatisha if she could hold our spot since everyone else was doing it. So, she did and I ran for my merch. I ended up with a tour shit (thank GOD because they ran out pretty damn quick of them) and two posters - one for Cindy and then one for me (I didn’t like buying them before the show because I knew they would get ruin - they did, but not like, horribly bad - but I needed to get stuff before they ran out, you know?) before making a mad dash back to my spot. I felt back to say “excuse me” and make people move for me, but they did and I thanked them kindly. Then, I found out a second later that Allison knew the person who let me back from myspace, so I made another new friend. That bitchy woman came out once more telling us if we took pictures with our camera phones or whatever, they would stop the show before FINALLY, they came out. . .
They actually ended up coming down the stairway on to the stage and when they got on, and the crowd when wild! It was fantastic! I really don’t know the setlist - sorry, I really didn’t know any of the songs. :( - but they played shine, masquerade, Cubic L/R ock, Yubisaki, TheMe, Hoshigaoka, and I’m pretty positive they played Sakura Mau Kisetsu Ni, so basically, I was a pretty happy person. ^^ Even though I don’t know the lyrics, I pretty much adore those songs (save for shine and masquerade because the only reason I know they played those is because I saw the setlist - it was like, two feet in front of me. ^^;;). I’m pretty positive they played their whole recent album and some older stuff because they had a total of 19 songs (including the encore). So yeah, it was pretty awesome. XD
Anyway, during like the ENTIRE show, Yumehito was smiling - which was FREAKIN’ adorable and it made me want to kidnap him and take him home XD - and Aoi was like, dancing and doing all these adorable things. I really couldn’t watch Intesu and Takehito because of where I was, but I saw them a few times and Intesu was smiling and being so adorable as well. All the cuteness made me go all AJSDKDKDLSDSL.
Just a few highlights, which I’m sure you’ve all seen, but once again:
[ ♥ ] yaoi moments between Yumehito and Aoi. Right in the beginning of the show, first song they did, Yumehito started moving toward Aoi and he started backing up and then Yumehito was really close and then Aoi started pushing him away and it was like, so adorable. Then, another moment was when the two of them (Intesu and Takehito did it too) went back to back and starting going up and down. At another point in the concert, Aoi wanted us to start yelling “woo woo woo” and so everyone starts doing and Yumehito is like, leaning toward us trying to hear us and Aoi comes over to stand next to him and is doing it two and they look at us, staring us down and then Aoi leaves and Yumehito is like “a little more” with his hands and points up and then we get louder and he nods in approval. Another moment is when Aoi was doing a dance, he turned to face Yumehito’s direction and Yumehito was like, staring him down and Aoi gave him this weird look before quickly turning the other way and continuing the dance. AJSKJDKDKDSKS.
[ ♥ ] Yumehito in freakin’ general. The guy is a doll, an adorable little doll that smiles all the time and can’t do anything wrong, seriously. He was a smiles at the concert and a few times I was able to catch his eye and of course, he smiles down at me and makes me like, melt into a puddle of goo. One time, I was rocking out and doing the rock symbol and he looks down at me, gives me a smile and is like, nodding and then another time, he looks down at me and smiles this big ass grin and then fucking WINKS. *_______________* I wanted to like, take him off stage right then and there and take him home with me. Another Yumehito moment was when he was making the rock symbol with all of us, that was pretty cute and then my favorite moment (other then all the other moments. LOL) was when we were doing one of Aoi’s dances where he moves his arms up and down, he looked down at us and then did it quickly and again, I was melted into a puddle of goo. SERIOUSLY, he can’t possibly do ANYTHING wrong. .______.
[ ♥ ] Aoi’s dances. First off, they were fucking adorable and made me smile like a completely buffoon (in all reality, I don’t think I stopped smiling that ENTIRE show) and it was so cool because when he would start doing one, the crowd would start doing it with him. There was like, one or two that we in general weren’t able to do because they required moving and even though we had a good amount of room to move, we didn’t have THAT much room, so we all just watched with smiles - well, I did - on our faces as he did them. All the other ones we did though, and it was so much fun. He was SO energetic and so adorable - he seriously looks SO MUCH like a girl O-o - and got the crowd so excited.
[ ♥ ] one of their MC’s. It was during the middle of the show, Aoi was talking and I think he introduced himself before he was like, “YUMEHITO” and turns to Yumehito. The crowd starts yelling and screaming and Yumehito just smiles shyly and goes to his mic. He says “Welcome to Chicago” once or twice before saying “Hello Chicago” three times, each time pausing so we can like, scream, before he goes “My name is Yumehito” and of course, the crowd is an uproar while I’m melting into a puddle of goo (once again). Then he goes, “TAKEHITO” and everyone screams and turns to him. Takehito goes to his mic and says “Hello Chicago” (I believe? O-o) and then says “My name is Takehito” and the crowd roars. Then, he says “bass INTESU” and Intesu just starts smiling and getting all shy and everything (I’m melting once again, here) and goes to the mic and says (in this high, adorable voice) “My name is Intesu” and of course, roaring and then he or Aoi, can’t really remember goes “KENZO” and everyone turns to Kenzo, but Kenzo was fixing his ear because I think he had something wrong with his ear (poor baby :(), but he didn’t say anything, so Aoi starts saying Kenzo and so we start alone with him. Sadly, he only just nodded and didn’t say anything, but it was okay. :)
[ ♥ ] end of the concert. Aoi is thanking us and such and Yumehito comes to the edge of the stage and of course, this is where the mad house begins and the posters get ruined - they had been doing fine before, save for a little bit and the one I dropped, but thankfully had quickly picked back up before being stepped on. Everyone is reaching out, including myself, TRYING to get Yumehito to touch them and I was so close and I was thinking, I’m not going to be able to get him to touch me and, what do you know, his hand ever so slaps me on mine and I’m just like, SWEET JESUS. *_______* Then, Aoi comes over and I reach out, touch his hand and then, Intesu (whose hand was huge and I like, accidentally grabbed on to) and then Kenzo and when Takehito was over, I was about to touch his hand and Yumehito distracted me by throwing the rest of his picks. Sadly, I didn’t catch one, but two of them I think landing really fucking close to me and when I went down, I couldn’t find them. :(
After the concert was over, at probably around like 8:30pm (it started at like 7:00pm-ish) everyone started getting water and lining up for the meet & greet. Allison went back in line for some buttons - she kindly bought me a set as well - and I went in line for the meet & greet. When she was done, she met me in the line, along with Fatisha and we waited patiently for them to come out. (I should mention that during the concert, Allison B and Breanna along with the others were like, in the middle and we were on the side with Fatisha and the other chick we met and when the meet & greet came around, Allison B and Breanna ended up farther up then us). When they were about to come out, that bitch annoucned that we could only get one thing signed. It kind of pissed me off since, one we had to spend thirty dollars of merch to get the pass and second because I told Cindy I would get her the poster signed, and I feel really bad I couldn’t, but it was the rules. So, the line continued to move and Fatisha’s mom - who was pretty much a cool mom - came over and told us that on the way down the stairs, Ayabie gave her a high five and on the way back up did the same thing. I’m like “are you serious! O-o” and was so envious, but thought it was pretty cool at the same time. Anyway! Finally, we arrive and Yumehito is first. I had planned on saying “Arigato”, but then realized they were saying “thank you” and such in English, so that threw my plan out the window. So, I said to Yumehito “Thanks for coming. You guys were awesome. It so rocked” (or something like) and he gets all shy and blushing and kind of covers his face with his hand and says “thank you” and signs my poster before I move on to Kenzo and I said basically the same thing as he signed of he replied with a “thank you” as well before I move onto Aoi (he was wearing sunglasses and looked adorable). I kind of shortened my speech down, but kind of said the same thing and of course, another “thank you” before going on to Intesu, who looked so adorable with his glasses on and the speech got shorter and I got a “thank you” and signature from him. By the time I got to Takehito, I just said “thank you” and he signed and said “thank you” back. Then, we all meet up and headed back home, arriving back home at around 12:30am after a stop at the Oasis for some food.
All in all, I really enjoyed myself. The concert was a blast and there was so much energy from Aoi and the rest of the band that I really couldn’t believe myself. He was having us jump up and down, scream and doing all these cute little dances. It was awesome and the venue being small just made it all the better and it was so nice because we actually had space to breath and nobody was killing each other for a spot. I ended up moving a few feet to my right and then back again, but it wasn’t like I ended up far away from Yumehito at any point in time and it wasn’t like I was pushed around. I just kind of, floated around a little. XD It wasn’t a mad crowd, which made the concert so much more enjoyable.
I’m really glad that we went. I really am. ♥