here is my concert report, kiddes! it is pretty damn long (9 pages in WORD. o-o) and I didn't read it over. So, there will be mistakes and there is fangirling. you have been warned.
So, the trip started off on Tuesday night at seven o'clock. That's when mom and I hit the road for Grand Rapids and on our way up there, we listened to a little bit of Analog Heart and a little bit of the Cookleta mix CD I have. It was pretty cool since mom knew a good number of the songs Cook did on the show, so yay! XD Anyway, we finally got to Grand Rapids at around one-thirty in the morning (in Wisconsin, it would have been twelve-thirty in the morning) and checked into the hotel. After checking in, we basically crashed.
The next day, the day of the concert, we got up at like, seven-thirty since I couldn't really sleep anyway 'cause I was so excited and everything. Well, we ended up leaving the hotel around nine-thirty or so and arrived at the venue around ten to ten. Nobody was really there, only like, three people and so mom said we should walk around, and I was too nervous to. But, we did end up walking around the venue at least before going over to this fence thing. And, yeah, it was fence, not a barricade. O-o It sucked 'cause we got moved like, three times before we finally settled on a spot and there, I began my long wait with my
with my poster in my hand, but it was cool because soon after I started standing tehre, I began talking to this really awesome girl. She liked David more, but she was a Cook fan too. There were some other girls there who were like, David fans and OH GOD were they ridiculous. Seriously, their voices were like high and they were all like "OMG" you know? I was like, seriously annoyed by them, but I didn't pay attention to them too much 'cause I was talking to this other girl, who was awesome. We had some good conversations and everything. Then, we found out the buses wouldn't be arrived until two and I was like, "okay, this is awesome" 'cause I had already been there for a good three hours or so and mom was already getting tired and a little cranky about it. So yeah, we had to wait a little longer and but, finally, two arrived and the buses arrived with it. Now, I thought I saw Johns in the front seat of the boys bus, but I'm guessing that wasn't him AND I thought I saw Cook, but then that wasn't him 'cause the girls (the annoying ones) told me that Cook was in Chicago and I couldn't believe it! I was like "no way" and thought that maybe they had heard their info wrong and plus, where did they get it, I wasn't sure. So, I was really confused. But, anyway, the first to get off the boy's bus (that we saw) was David and all the people (which was like maybe a hundred or so?) started screaming and got excited. Then, Brooke and Kristy Lee were to follow and Chikezie got off a little later and that's all I saw get off for a while
(Michael Johns got off a little while later). Anyway, David quick popped in the venue before popping back out to sign stuff. Then, Kristy Lee, Brooke and a little while later Chikezie came out.
[x] [x] David came out first and started at the other end, which wasn't too far away from where I was, but kind of at the same time, it was a little way. Anyway, he started off and then Kristy Lee came out pretty quickly after him and started out on the opposite end of him, closest to me. And, she was pretty quick so within like, ten minutes, not even, she was by us and I had her
sign my poster and then asked for a picture. She took the picture with me and I thanked her and she moved on.
[x] [x] [x] [x] By this point, Brooke had also come out and David had moved a little farther, but not too much because you know how he spends a good amount of time with each person. Anyway, Brooke came around and because she seemed so nice and so personable, I decided to ask her if she knew about Cook's whereabouts. Really, I'm not that keen on asking other idols about where others are or if they are going to come out, but I really wanted to know since I had the bracelet I made for Cook and if he was not there, I wanted to give it to another idol to give to him if they could. So, anyway, Brooke made her way over to us and as she went to
sign my poster I asked, "So, is Cook in Chicago or something?" and she's like, stops signing and looks at me all confused. "What about Cook?" and she went on to say she hadn't seen him since last night's show and stuff, so she wasn't sure if he was or not. And, she was really nice about answering it and then I asked for a picture and she was so cool about it. Then, before she moved on, I asked about the Green Bay show and she said it was good. So, that was cool. :)
seriously, such a sweetheart. really.
[x] [x] [x] Then, finally, David arrives! Well, kind of. First, he had to go by those annoying girls I mentioned before and those girls had already gotten a hug. Yeah, they moved over to where he had started, snuck in and got a hug from him before coming back over. Of course, he hits them before me and they start talking to him or whatever and ask him about his family in Florida and stuff and he explains that they are okay right now and stuff. Then, finally, he turns to me and since Brooke didn't really know about Cook, I figured he might know something since, you know, they are so totally boyfriends on the same bus. So, just ask I go to ask, they say something else and whatever. I do this like, three or four times, every time these girls cutting in to say something. Of course, I'm nervous as fuck to ask the kid this and they just make it worse by interrupting me. But, finally, I get to say something and I say something like "I made these for
you and
Cook, do you know if Cook is here or is coming out?" and he looked up to me (he had finished
signing my poster at this point) a little confused, so I said it again. He was like, "I don't know" and I said, "well, could you give this to him for me then?" and he was like, all torn about. He had said sure (and, I believe a thank you for his own bracelet), but then he was kind of like, "well, are you going to be here later" and I wasn't too sure if I was going to try and get stuff signed after the show. I told him that "yeah, maybe" and he said, ""I'll give it to him. Well, how about you keep it and give it to him" or something like that and then he gave it back (and, I still have it, so I'll have to send it to him or something). Then, I asked for a picture and I got one and then he talked to us about how Cook was in Chicago for Oprah and the Olympics. He was a really sweet kid and I felt totally weird and horrible about the bracelet thing 'cause he looked so torn about it, but he was still really nice and everything. It was cute. ^^ Then, as he was walking down the fence, I noticed that he didn't have my bracelet in his hand and I'm like, "what the heck?" 'cause he had the girl's necklace that she gave him in that hand where he had my bracelet. So, I look down and notice it is on the ground and I debate for like, two seconds if I should call out to him and I do. Of course, I'm nervous as fuck and he turns to me and goes "huh?" and I'm like, you dropped something. He looks down and can't spot it so I'm like, "by your left (it was really his right. >___<) foot" and he looks for a second more before spotting. He's like "Oh gosh (or something like that)! Sorry!" and he bends over to pick it up. I smile softly and say "that's okay, no problem." And that, my friends, was my David encounter. ROFL. XD
my new husband, srsly. XD eh, but Cook might not like that. ROFL. XD
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] After David, Chikezie came by and he
signed my poster and I asked for a picture. Well, mom took the picture but she took the camera down too fast and it didn't take the picture (the picture ended up being my legs and purse). Chikezie noticed and said "the flash went off after you took the camera down" and my mom was like "oh" and then took another picture of us as she said something like "I'd be in trouble for that" and he kind of laughed and said "yeah" or something. I, of course, thanked him and thought it was really nice of him for noticing about the camera because in reality, he could have just walked off without saying anything, you know? He was really sweet. ^^
[x] After that, we left and went back to the hotel for a while where we each took a quick nap and then went to dinner at Arby's. At around five-thirty, we headed back to the venue 'cause the doors were going to open at like, six and got to the venue at about that time. We entered the arena, and right away, there was a girl selling programs. Of course, I knew I was going to get one, so I asked how much and found out it was twenty-five bucks. Okay, that's pricey to me, but
I still bought one and then I went to buy a shirt. I was torn between the Cook one and the group one, but in the end, I
got the group one, which is pretty sweet 'cause it has
the tour stops and their names on the back in a circle. Then, we were shown to our seats which were closer then I had expected. I mean, I knew they wouldn't be like, right up there, but they were pretty damn close if you ask me. Seriously, if I would have lost those tickets (I almost did for those of you who don't know 'cause I was trying to get closer and all this shit happened, but I got them), I would have beaten myself up FOREVER. But yeah, as we waited for the show to start, they showed Cook's and David's Guitar Hero commercials, a few music videos, and Cook's Disney World commercial along with a few other things. Then, finally, the show started (because of the amount of pictures, links to the pictures are next to them) -
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]He was amazing! Seriously, not a fan of him on the show and really wasn't too keen on seeing him at first, but after meeting him that morning, I was kind of excited. And, when he finally started, he was pretty damn awesome. I don't remember the songs he did, but I know he did Caught Up by Usher, which was awesome. Plus, he was really personable on stage, had a great stage persona, which is why his performance kept my attention.
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]Seriously, boring as fuck and that isn't a joke. She has a voice, don't get me wrong, but NO personality what-so-ever. Of course she talked to the crowd, thanked us and Pop-Tarts, but other than that, there was nothing there to keep your attention really. So yeah, she wasn't too enjoyable and I really didn't know ANY of her songs either. >_____<
Michael Johns
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]The moment Ramiele was done, I was starting to freak out a little 'cause I knew that he was coming and he came out with We Will Rock You and then, went into We Are The Champions just like he did during Top 10 week and he did awesome. It was a great performance that had most of the people, if not everyone, singing along. Then, he went onto "slow it down a bit" as he said (well, they all said this when they had a slow song) and did It's All Wrong, But It's All Right which was good, but since I really don't like the song, it kind of lost my interest a little bit, but none the less, an amazing performance. His last song was Dream On and before he started he said "well, this is the song that got me booted off the show (a loud cry of like "aw, or boo (for him getting kicked off)" went down). Randy said he didn't like it and, well, he isn't here, so I don't care" and the crowd just erupted in cries before he started it. Again, another amazing performance by Michael Johns. Seriously, it makes me wonder how the heck he got kicked off so early. Seriously, how?
Kristy Lee
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A little better then Ramiele, but not by much. Though, I never really liked her at all and it didn't change much after her performance. But, her rendition of God Bless The USA was very moving and very powerful. That was pretty great, but other than that, nothing really amazing to me.
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]Amazing set. Seriously, I loved her rendition of Bring Me To Life. It was very different, but very awesome and very powerful. The set design was pretty awesome too. Then, she did Crazy On You which was, again, another brilliant performance, but I really loved her I Drove All Night rendition. I really enjoy that song so much and I think she did an amazing job and made her own. She is really a great performer. Love her. ♥
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]I never was a Brooke fan until I met her outside that morning because she was SO sweet. I couldn't believe how sweet she was and that made me really like her as a person, and then hearing her live was so much better then on the show. Definitely one you have to hear live to actually like, you know what I'm saying? Though, I really wish she didn't play an instrument every time she performed. :( She played piano for Let it Be then she did the guitar for 1234 and then she did piano again for her last song, which I cannot for the life of me remember. >____< But yeah, other then that, she was really good. I loved when she performed 1234 'cause she just radiated a really awesome energy that had people going, you know? So yeah, totally a Brooke fan now. ^^
After Brooke's set was done, she started talking about the 'Idols Gives Back' week and everything before the bottom six started coming out and did a group song, Pride (In The Name Of Love). So, that included Chikezie, Ramiele, Michael, Kristy Lee, Carly and Brooke. It was really hilarious 'cause the host (who was some guy from like, Pop-Tarts or something. o-o) said "the biggest Pop-Tart I know besides strawberry and blueberry, Michael Johns" to introduce him. It got a good laugh out of the crowd and out of Johns, which was pretty sweet. XD The overall performance of the song was great and the song was really fitting, in my opinion to what they were trying to portray and the little duet between Michael and Carly; awesomeness.
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] After that performance, they had like a little intermission in which they had two guys playing Guitar Hero against each other and then they picked two kids from the audience to have like an air guitar competition. It was pretty funny since the one kid didn't have a clue at what he was doing and his headbanging consisted of moving his head a little to the side and then the other, kind of like the robot. It was funny. rofl. Then, the two got games and each one of them didn't have the set to the play the game, so the host guy is like, "you know what that means? Mom go to Target after this and get those game sets for them! They deserve it!" or whatever before they showed the commercial the idols did for that World Tour game that is coming out. It was pretty weird, let me tell you, since they all looked pretty messed up 'cause it is suppose to be from the seventies and everything. Seriously, I couldn't help but cringe at Cook 'cause that wig they had him wearing was SO horrible. D: And, our little David didn't look too much better either. ;_____;
Anyway, finally intermission was over and the show started back up again:
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]Always one of my favorites on the show, but I realized that, even though I still like him, his stuff all sounds the same. :/ He played Over the Rainbow (which, he played the ukulele and that was pretty sweet) , Crazy and Daydreamer and they didn't sound to different from one another. I think he has a great voice, but I think his arrangements of the songs sound to similar to one another, you know? But, he was pretty awesome and I really did like seeing him live.
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Oh my gosh, blew me the fuck away! Seriously, hated this girl on the show as well, but holy hell! She is one hell of a singer. I couldn't believe it! Took me away! I was just, in awe of her during her entire set. The last song, which I don't know the title for, just took me away. I couldn't believe it and the song got her a standing ovation from the ENTIRE audience. Seriously, amazing performance by this girl. Much love to her.
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]Of course, everyone (including myself) starts spazzing out and getting really excited as he wait for him to come on the stage. He comes from the ground since he is the piano and he starts out with Angels and by god was it beautiful. Probably my favorite song he did on the show and I listen to the studio version of it constantly, but it does not compare to this live version. Seriously, SO MUCH BETTER live. Heck, in general the boy sounds better live. After his rendition of Angels, he did Apologize and, personally, I hate that song 'cause it is so overplayed on the radio and all, but of course, this kid sings it and I seriously love it. He really got into the performance and it was awesome to see. After that song, he takes a break and thanks everybody for coming and all that snazzy stuff before he says the next song is for all of us, and it is Stand By Me. Great song and again, great performance by the boy. It was pretty cool because at one point, he speeds it up and starts getting into it and slapping his leg as he's singing and it was pretty adorable. It had me smiling like an idiot, let me tell you. XD Then, after that performance, he does another little MC and talks about how we should always tell people we love them 'cause we never know what will happen before he goes on to sing When You Say You Love Me. Personally, I've never head of the song in my life, but it was a very beautiful song and David really got into it. It was very moving watching him perform. Seriously, once he opens his mouth, you can't look away from him. He is so stunning and so beautiful. Well, after that performance he starts to introduce the next guy. "This guy is awesome and well, a lot of other things" and the rest was lost 'cause I started spazzing the fuck out. XD
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] The whole venue starts erupting in cheers as the screen does it's whole count down thing and, finally, it shows Cook and then he comes up from the ground with his guitar and oh my gosh. I don't know how to describe in words how GORGEOUS this man is. Seriously, after he came up from the ground, my eyes did not leave him for like A SECOND the rest of the show. He is just THAT FUCKING GORGEOUS. Seriously. But, anyway, back to his performance. XD rofl. Well, he starts off with doing Hello and of course, I'm still on a high and don't really recall much of the performance itself, but I remember the gist of it and how he sounded SO AMAZING live. But, at the same time, I thought something was a little off. He sound fantastic, but something was different and after the song was over, he started talking and that's when I knew something was up. His voice was raw and hoarse, telling me that guy was sick and I was just like, "oh my gosh" 'cause I couldn't believe that he still sounded fucking amazing and was sick! But, anyway, he started talking and he was telling us to give it up from the band, save for Aaron (the drummer) and it was pretty funny. ^^ He always said something about how he leaned to throw picks out and he then threw out a few picks (and, he did this throughout the whole set). Then, he kind of went on and said that he was in Chicago that morning for the taping of an Oprah (to which he said "she is a very wonderful woman") and that he sang this song and he thanked us for the song, which obviously turned out to be Time of My Life. And, during the song, he got us to move our hands back and forth ('cause, you know, we'd all do anything Cook tells/shows us to do. XD) and then, when the part "keeping my wings. . ." came on, he told us all the sing and he faced the mic towards us and the whole arena sang the chorus before he took the mic back and joined in. Also, during this time, there were these like, glowing pinwheels and took one from somebody in the front row and kind of looked at it before putting it close to his face. He let it blow air onto him for a minute or so before giving it back to the person. It was pretty cute. ^^ After the song was over he got out his camera and explained to us how he was filming every crowd and after he got us more pumped up, he began filming. I don't know how much of me he'd ever see in it since there were so many people in front of me, along with some chick holding up a sign, but whatever, I tried my best to jump up and down and get noticed. But yeah, who knows. Anyway, after that filming he pointed out this sign, saying "that's, that's I think the best sign I've seen all summer, David Cook will you be my son-in-law?" and then, he did an impression of a southern that went something like "David Cook, I'd like you to meet my daughter." It made us crack up and then he goes on to say "alright, so we should probably start the next song after that awkward yelp" and they start to go into I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. But, before he starts he goes "I still can't get over that sign" and of course, a laugh comes from the crowd before he starts the song. And, sorry to say Aerosmith, but his version totally kicks ass over yours. ROFL. I'm sorry, but I adore this song and seeing it live was pretty awesome, I must say. During the performance, he went over to the left side of the stage and everyone starts snapping pictures , you know? Well, he leans forward and takes this girls camera and snaps a picture of himself before giving it back. Of course, I'm thinking "okay, why isn't that MY camera", but I still had to smile and giggle that the antic. ^^ And then, all of the sudden, I see him pulling his belt off and throwing it to the side. Of course, this had me going "wtf?" but I continued to watch and listen to the song and sing along with him as the performance went on and when the performance was done, he goes and picks up his belt. And then says, "Can we lower the spotlight. I have a wardrobe malfunction I need to fix" and then, he starts walking towards my side of the stage and the lights are still up as he starts putting it around his waist, but then they go down and holy hell, all the cameras start going off. Of course, mom doesn't attempt to take a picture but, whatever, it probably wouldn't of turned out anyways. BUT, but, just my luck, he kind of walks back into the light after he is done getting on and just as he does, he's putting his shirt back down over his belt and I catch a glimpse of the side of his tummy and OMFG, DID I SQUEE. Seriously, I could not believe it! I had caught a glimpse of the man's side/tummy. I think I seriously had an orgasm right then and there, I swear! ROFL. No, I didn't, but seriously, I think I had a mild heart attack. XD lamo. But, anyway, after that he got his guitar and went back over to the mic. Cook went on to explain about how he and the other idols were a part of the Stand Up 2 Cancer thing and that the next song, My Hero, was dedicated to Adam and holy fuck was the performance fucking amazing! Ho man! He was like, all over the place rocking it out and everything! It was fantastic! I wanted to like, head bang and really get into it, but with the seating and such, I really couldn't (plus, nobody else was like, wanting to head bang or whatever. >___<), but it was fantastic! He actually was like, running back and forth to both sides and the middle at points. It was awesome! Then, after the song was over, he thanked us and got off the stage. Of course, I'm like "NOOO" 'cause I knew that he hadn't done Billie Jean and he ALWAYS did Billie Jean and I would like, die if I didn't see it since it was the song that made me really fall in love with the guy. So, as I'm standing there, I'm silently praying to myself he comes back out and does Billie Jean before the group number and thankfully, he comes back out, guitar in hand and the music starts for Billie Jean. And, oh my god that studio version that I listen to on repeat constantly does NOTHING for his version of that song, NOTHING. It was like, the greatest performance of the night. I think I could have like, died after seeing it and he even did the backbend thing on the ground during the solo. OH MY GOD. Seriously, dead after that, just dead. But, of course, I couldn't die since the group number was coming. XD
Group Number
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]Started off with Chikezie talking, but you couldn't see him just yet, but then he came up and said "hey, you like my suit" and he was wearing the orange suit jacket from the show, along with a Pop-Tarts shirt (they all wore Pop-Tarts shirts save for Cook) and he counted us off before he started singing. He was joined then by Ramiele, Michael, Kristy Lee, Carly and Brooke and oh my gosh was Michael hilarious! He had a cut off brown Pop-Tarts shirt on and the way he was dancing just had me almost rolling on the floor. He was doing like, gay ass poses and dances and after Kristy Lee danced by him at one point, he kind of did the "OH GOSH" face before following her in that direction. Of course, then you've got Jason who comes out and then Syesha, David and Cook. Of course, at this point, I've pretty much lost everybody save for Cook and watch him continuously. But, I get glimpse of David, who had to be coaxed by Kristy Lee to move toward the left side of the stage, but of course, then, my eyes go directly to the right where we all know the Mavid will be occurring and, a little while later, it does. It, to me, wasn't the greatest Mavid of all time, but it was funny, none the less. They did the wheel barrel and Cook was the one who picked up Michael's feet and was pushing him around. It was kind of funny 'cause Jason had to actually moved out of the way so they could get the threw. I think the place had a good laugh at it. Then, they stood in a line before David and Cook moved the middle. The Cookleta was a little disappointing, since it was only Cook clapping for David, but it was so cute 'cause David kind of blushed before he started jumping up and down and pointing at Cook before he stopped, pointed his finger into Cook's shoulder and then grabbed Cook's jacket to show off his shirt (which was, I believe, a Fruit Loops t-shirt? O-o). Cook of course, laughs at this before the head off back to the top of the stage where they thank everyone and end the song.
After the group number, mom and I quickly move to go outside and when we get out to the fence where we were this morning, it is like PACKED. I actually get myself squeezed into a little spot against the fence, but it isn't much and there is like, a wall blocking my view of the buses, so I can't see who is going on and what's going on. But, I hear people constantly screaming after a while and I guess David had gotten on the bus, along with a few others. But then, I hear another cry of David and this time, I get myself on the fence and look over just to see Cook's head as he heads toward the buses. And, as others begin to join him, Jason comes out and since my side was crying for him the hardest, he started over by us. And, since he started earlier, he was able to take pictures for a while, so I got a really shitty picture since I look like I'm on drugs with him and
his signature on that little paper I made mom since I didn't have my poster with me at the time.
see, druggie, I'm tellling ya. and, i'm not talking about jason. >___<
[x] [x] [x] But yeah, then David comes out and of course, starts at the way opposite end (and there are tons of fans he needs to get through), but Brooke comes out and starts on our side and I get her autograph again (you can see it next to Jason's),
along with Kristy Lee who came out for a while. Then,
Carly comes out and I'm hoping that I can get a picture with her, though I wasn't sure since she had to rush, so I asked and she said sorry, she couldn't and I said that's okay, I figured since you guys need to get going or whatever, so I just got
her to sign that little paper. After that,
David comes around and of course, people are asking for hugs left and right and I'm debating about asking for one, but since I know the kid isn't a touchy-feely kid, I decided against it and just let him
sign my paper. So, I got him twice and the cool thing is, he signed two different ways! ^^
Oh, I also got a picture of Jeff Archuleta! I didn't get a picture with him, just a picture of him. rofl. XD
Anyway, after that mom and I headed back to the hotel and stayed the night before heading home the next morning.
So yeah, that's my American Idol concert experience. I have to say that it was VERY different from what I'm use to since I'm use to the no seating, people pushing and moshing against you kind of thing, but it was worth it. Seriously, seeing David Cook made my freakin' year. I can't tell you how much it meant to me to see him live. Even though I didn't get to meet him, I wouldn't trade in seeing him for the freakin' world. And, David too. Seriously, that kid is just so sweet and adorable and his voice is killer. I enjoyed myself immensely and wouldn't trade it in for anything.
If you'd like to see more photos (everything is mostly posted, but some aren't),
feel free to raid my photobucket. Also, if you want to, feel free to use the photos for icons/graphics/whatever (though, I don't know how usable they are. >_____<), but PLEASE credit. my mom took a ton of pictures (as you can see) and I really appreciate that she did, so I would hope you guys could too. Thank you. :)