This is probably the worst poem I've ever

May 16, 2004 16:04

Are All The Beatings Worth It?

Perfect on the outside.
No one believed her.
He was so flawless.
No one believed what she said.

Beatings were painful.
She couldn’t get away.
He hurt her so bad.
Pain filling her body.
His kicks to her side,
They were like white hot wires
Sizzling her skin.

When she went home,
She couldn’t even sleep.
Every noise,
From creaking floorboards
To howling wind,
They made her jump.

So many nights she’d lie
Her boyfriend standing over her,
In a pool of her own blood.
She could change it.
It would be possible
If only people would believe
Her over her boyfriend.
The star football player.
Nobody did.

She won’t get out
Until she tells.
Consequences may be high,
But sometimes,
It’s worth it.
It’s worth not being beaten
Every night by someone you thought
You loved.
It’s worth not being paranoid and scared
That he might come and kill you in the night.
It’s worth it all.
Actions speak louder than words.
It’s worth leaving him for someone
Who will give you respect.
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