
Nov 18, 2011 17:53

Character: Olivia Dunham
Series: Fringe
Character Age: 31
Job: Camp Fringevestigator

Canon: In the TV series, Fringe, technology and science are constantly pushing the edges of reality, resulting in what some would call pseudo-science, or fringe science. Incidents range from body-stealing shapeshifters, sentient mold, a disease that causes someone to literally lose face, and much, much more. Luckily, the FBI has a division specially tasked to dealing with these crises: the Fringe division. Olivia Dunham is thrown into their ranks when she enlists the help of con-man Peter Bishop in approaching his genius father for help with a strange case. Add in some past experiments from Olivia's childhood and a cow named Gene, and you have a FOX sci-fi series.

Olivia Dunham is, above all else, persistent. That persistence is what leads her to the Fringe division when her partner contracts a strange disease that causes his skin to slowly degrade and become translucent. Despite past trauma, Olivia is capable and efficient, dealing with kidnappings, bio-terrorists, and malicious bureaucracy. Blunt and to the point, Olivia has nonetheless proven to be a good support system to her small family, making time to relax with her young niece and sister. Though she can seem cold, direct, and even a bit awkward at first, no one can deny Olivia is a serious ass-kicker. A little less evident is her gentle touch when dealing with the unique personalities she encounters, and comforting the children that often get caught up in various Fringe investigations. Olivia is the first to admit that she's not 'good' at relationships, but that doesn't stop her from being a good friend and confidante to her esoteric team.

Sample Post:

Hi, I'm Agent Olivia Dunham, FBI. I'm here to investigate the disappearances of several individuals. We've had reports that a large number of civilians are being kept here against their will in some kind of murder mystery simulation. I don't think I have to remind you that kind of thing is highly illegal. There have also been reports of experiments on toucans and the other local wildlife. It's evident you've been doing something to them. While dyeing an animal's fur isn't exactly against the law, it still seems pretty cruel. Purple just doesn't seem right. In addition, the gorillas have definitely made some very lewd gestures. I'm not even sure what half of those things mean, and I don't think I really want to know.

Personally, I don't buy your story that this is a body farm. It looks less like a study of cadavers and more like some kind of rave. A rave with poor hygiene. How did all of you contract the exact same skin condition and let it degrade this far? I understand a fear of police involvement, especially when it's this obvious that you're doing some very questionable things, but the health of your people should be your top priority. If you need medical help, I can assure you that I know someone very familiar with these kinds of cases. But if you want me to help you, you need to cooperate with my investigation. That means calling off the robotic cows, the electric sheep, and the frankly, really creepy toucans. I did not need Beethoven's Fifth beamed directly into my head so early in the morning.

Exactly how much animal testing have you been doing, by the way? The giant squid in a silo seems fairly harmless, but the fire breathing ducklings seem like poor planning when you all seem so... flammable. They are pretty cute, I'll give you that. But won't you be pretty embarrassed when you lose an arm to something so tiny? First thing we're doing after we deal with your... you is re-evaluating the environment you've created. It's obvious very little foresight was involved when you started your various projects. Does there really need to be so much corn? I can understand wanting to see how it affects decomposition rates, but you really did not have to plant that many fields. Someone might mistake this place for a regular farm if they were just passing by. You wouldn't want them to eat any of your produce, right? Especially since you have some... pretty unique fertiliser.

One more thing before we continue. Please stop calling me Fringevestigator Dunham. Agent Dunham or even just Dunham is fine. Fringevestigator isn't a word, and it's frankly, a bit of a mouthful. Just because I've come onto your property doesn't mean I need a new job title. Especially one so... silly. And no, Brainsvestigator is not an improvement. I can handle ridiculous, but this place seems like it's beyond even my experiences. Don't worry, I'm still willing to help you. --The high-fives really aren't necessary. I'm already aware of how poorly put together you are. No practical demonstrations, please.

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