Title: Come Together (7.5 of ~8) [NOW there's only one more to go. :D]
corvidae9Rating: R
Word Count: ~9100
Warnings: crackful premises, het/slash/fem, rampant bisexuality, snogging, free-flowing alcohol (what? It's a party!)
Summary: In which there is a raging anti-party (and several subsequent mini-anti-anti-parties) that together suspiciously
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Comments 15
I love a lot of these people, but they sort of freak me out," said Harry, with a small smile.
Harry and Draco, the normallest people in the room? That in itself cracks me up.
The summmary rules!
Susan -- hee!
"Not at all," she said cheerfully. "I'm on friend duty."
Neville and Luna are the best.
And let me tell you, you're lucky I speak both Shacklebolt and Lupin because you are doing a right shitty job of covering whatever it is you're trying to cover."
Atta girl, Tonks! Remus is lucky. :-)
"Cunt Muppet!" shouted a twin as a rallying cry, holding his bottle up with a huge grin, the other adding, "For the Win!"
beginning a recitation that left Harry and Neville snickering uncontrollably.
Not just Harry and Neville. Luna FOR THE WIN!
*hugs story, hugs you, scampers off in high glee*
*glompstooo!!!* yaaaaay!
I love the twins' babble!
Luna's report was priceless, especially the phrasing.
Severus is a tease!
Remus's argument about being further behind: priceless!
And Draco bringing lots of drugs to combat Harry was fabulous, especially when he was disappointed.
Heeeee!!! <333!!! omgsomanypeople.
*is dead, brain drooling across the floor*
I'll just be in a corner blibbering about how brilliant this whole thing is, and how much I enjoy the way you deal with insane throngs. Emphasis on the insane. I love the Weasley twins' linguistic problems, and of course it's Susan Bones. *snerk* I see a future product line coming out of Snape's little masterpiece.
That said, Lt. Luna's report is the best. Thing. EVER.
Hee! Well, remember Susan wanted to be surrounded in Weasley?! 'Bones' was just convenient! And yes-- Luna prides herself on creative accuracy. :D
(omgsomuch Neville!love!)
And Luna: '"Here," said Luna hopping down from her perch and grabbing for Neville's hand. "Twister will make you feel better."'
Ravenclaw. Minx. Who knew? :D
I totally knew. :D :D :D
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