Vila Watson, The Hobbit, and the Fear of Audios

Apr 09, 2012 22:33

Oh, look, three vaguely related fannish things finally made it into a post!

Dream mash-up
A few days ago I woke up clutching the fragments of a dream in which Vila Restal and John Watson (Martin Freeman version) were one and the same character. Not really such a great leap of imagination perhaps (it really made me want to watch Blake's Junction 7 again!) but still, in my dream it wasn't Vila as played by Martin Freeman, or the other way around. No, with the help of a little dream-logic, it was both, at once. In the bit that I was able to recall, Vila-John was in some sort of forest, running from.... something like a wild boar, I think. (Not the Hound.) And, intriguingly, cursing The Other Person for getting him into this situation... Meaning that somewhere out of shot, there must have been an Avon-Sherlock chimaera mucking about...

I found that to be rather interesting, when I woke up. I suppose there are some similarities. The sensible, compassionate one teamed up with the difficult intellectual type (though when it comes to aspie-ness, I find Avon to be more convincing than Sherlock.) And I like the thought that maybe what John and Sherlock have is what Vila and Avon could have had, if only they had met under different circumstances. (Only... on the opposite side of the law, of course... )

...I don't know how it all ended for Vila-John in the forest, only that before I woke up he ran into, and then away from, a somewhat surprised Servalan (who thankfully was only just Servalan) Though I suppose she would have been in excellent position to distract whatever it was that he was running from so that he could get away... >:-)

Brought to you by The Hobbit excitement!
To take the multi-fannishness a step further, I suspect that the reason for said dream was actually less to do with either Blake's 7 or Sherlock and more to do with having watched the trailer and production videos for The Hobbit film... Multiple times. In a way, I think I'm a lot more excited about The Hobbit then I ever was about LoTR, and I suppose that's mostly because this time, I'm certain that the main character won't disappoint. Such perfect casting. (No, I'm not fond of Elijah Wood as Frodo. Though I suppose it might be less the actor's fault than whoever it was who decided to remake the hobbits as a bunch of teenagers in the first place.)

Blake's 7 audio indecisiveness
Part of me really want to listen to the new Blake's 7 audios... Particularly The Turing Test because just the summary makes me grin... Such a great premise for an Avon and Vila story! <3

However, audio stories can be... difficult. I'm far more sensitive to sound than I am to images, and with audio only, things can get a little too close for comfort, sometimes. At least when I'm watching an ordinary episode I can chose to 'tone down' any disturbing scenes by either looking away or turning the sound down, depending on what I'm having trouble with, and still be able to have a clue what's going on. Obviously, this doesn't work with audio only. It's all or nothing. And there's so much that could go wrong. What if their voices are off? That would be very distracting. Particularly for Avon, whose voice (like the rest of him) changes so much even between seasons. These stories are supposed to be set during season 1 (thankfully) so I can only hope that PD remembers the differences...?

And then there are... other things. Like screaming. People screaming in pain is one of those things I tend to have to turn the sound off for, so... Let's hope there's none of that.

...And of course, the stories might just be plain bad, of course. That's painful enough on its own.

Oh, I don't know. It feels like a risky business...

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the hobbit, sensory perception, audios, sherlock, blake's 7

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