Aug 28, 2007 19:32
"Hobby Games: The 100 Best"
Meme courtesy of
Doc Cross and
Ken Hite.
- Boldface is "I own this game"
- Italics is "I have played this game"
- Italic and Bold are "I both own
and have played this game"
The List:
- Acquire
- Amber Diceless
- Amun-Re
- Ars Magica
- Axis & Allies
- Battle Cry
- BattleTech
- Blood Bowl
- Bohnanza
- Britannia
- Button Men
- Call of Cthulhu
- Carcassonne
- Car Wars
- Champions
- Circus Maximus
- Citadels
- Civilization
- Cosmic Encounter
- Cosmic Wimpout
- Dawn Patrol
- Descent
- Diplomacy
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dynasty League Baseball
- El Grande
- Empires in Arms
- Empires of the Middle Ages
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- Fire and Fury
- Flames of War
- Fluxx
- Formula De
- The Fury of Dracula
- A Game of Thrones
- Gettysburg
- Ghostbusters
- The Great Khan Game
- Hammer of the Scots
- Here I Stand
- A House Divided
- Illuminati
- Johnny Reb
- Junta
- Kingmaker
- Kremlin
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Lensman
- London's Burning
- Lord of the Rings
- Machiavelli
- Magic: The Gathering
- Marvel Super Heroes
- Metamorphosis Alpha
- My Life with Master
- Mythos
- Napoleon's Last Battles
- Naval War
- Ogre
- Once Upon a Time
- PanzerBlitz
- Paranoia
- Pendragon
- Pirate's Cove
- Plague!
- Power Grid
- Puerto Rico
- Renaissance of Infantry
- RoboRally
- RuneQuest
- The Settlers of Catan
- Shadowfist
- Shadowrun
- Shadows over Camelot
- Silent Death: The Next Millennium
- Space Hulk
- Squad Leader
- Stalingrad
- Star Fleet Battles
- The Sword and the Flame
- Tales of the Arabian Nights
- Talisman
- Terrible Swift Sword
- Thurn and Taxis
- Ticket to Ride
- Tigris & Euphrates
- Tikal
- Toon
- Traveller
- Twilight Struggle
- Unknown Armies
- Up Front
- Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Vinci
- War and Peace
- Warhammer 40,000
- The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
- The Warlord
- Wiz-War