(Meme) "Hobby Games: The 100 Best"

Aug 28, 2007 19:32

"Hobby Games: The 100 Best"
Meme courtesy of Doc Cross and Ken Hite.
  • Boldface is "I own this game"
  • Italics is "I have played this game"
  • Italic and Bold are "I both own and have played this game"

The List:
  1. Acquire
  2. Amber Diceless
  3. Amun-Re
  4. Ars Magica
  5. Axis & Allies
  6. Battle Cry
  7. BattleTech
  8. Blood Bowl
  9. Bohnanza
  10. Britannia
  11. Button Men
  12. Call of Cthulhu
  13. Carcassonne
  14. Car Wars
  15. Champions
  16. Circus Maximus
  17. Citadels
  18. Civilization
  19. Cosmic Encounter
  20. Cosmic Wimpout
  21. Dawn Patrol
  22. Descent
  23. Diplomacy
  24. Dungeons & Dragons
  25. Dynasty League Baseball
  26. El Grande
  27. Empires in Arms
  28. Empires of the Middle Ages
  29. The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  30. Fire and Fury
  31. Flames of War
  32. Fluxx
  33. Formula De
  34. The Fury of Dracula
  35. A Game of Thrones
  36. Gettysburg
  37. Ghostbusters
  38. The Great Khan Game
  39. Hammer of the Scots
  40. Here I Stand
  41. A House Divided
  42. Illuminati
  43. Johnny Reb
  44. Junta
  45. Kingmaker
  46. Kremlin
  47. Legend of the Five Rings
  48. Lensman
  49. London's Burning
  50. Lord of the Rings
  51. Machiavelli
  52. Magic: The Gathering
  53. Marvel Super Heroes
  54. Metamorphosis Alpha
  55. My Life with Master
  56. Mythos
  57. Napoleon's Last Battles
  58. Naval War
  59. Ogre
  60. Once Upon a Time
  61. PanzerBlitz
  62. Paranoia
  63. Pendragon
  64. Pirate's Cove
  65. Plague!
  66. Power Grid
  67. Puerto Rico
  68. Renaissance of Infantry
  69. RoboRally
  70. RuneQuest
  71. The Settlers of Catan
  72. Shadowfist
  73. Shadowrun
  74. Shadows over Camelot
  75. Silent Death: The Next Millennium
  76. Space Hulk
  77. Squad Leader
  78. Stalingrad
  79. Star Fleet Battles
  80. The Sword and the Flame
  81. Tales of the Arabian Nights
  82. Talisman
  83. Terrible Swift Sword
  84. Thurn and Taxis
  85. Ticket to Ride
  86. Tigris & Euphrates
  87. Tikal
  88. Toon
  89. Traveller
  90. Twilight Struggle
  91. Unknown Armies
  92. Up Front
  93. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
  94. Vampire: The Masquerade
  95. Vinci
  96. War and Peace
  97. Warhammer 40,000
  98. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
  99. The Warlord
  100. Wiz-War

games, meme, gaming

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