Oh, I want to be a better Live Journal user that Jessica, and prove once and for all that my journal is far better, so I am gunna post pictures from asterisk at the palladium, right now, not just talk about it!
Today I didn't go to school! I slept till about one! I havn't done that in a long ass time! Then I went to work at three! I didn't do much after work, went over Charlies, then Shanes, then I came home because I was so tired from my action packed day! Good day, and God Bless!
Today I went to school! Then Mike and I went to The Palladium to see what time we're playing on Sunday. Then we went to the practice room with Adam and practiced! Now I am home!
Today I went to school! Shay wanted to do my hair again, but I wouldn't let her, and made her do our project instead! I hung out with some of my peeps after school! Then I came home, and went out for a little bit, then came back home! Good day and God Bless. -Colin
Today I worked! Then after work, Adam and Mike came by and we went to the practice room, where we practiced! Then I went to the store and got some more Claratin, and now I am back home! Good night, and God bless! -Colin