Title: rebound
Pairing: yoosu (side minsu, one-sided jaechun)
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst/Drama?
Disclaimer: This is fiction.
Summary: a diversion; typically used to avoid the pain of being dumped.
A/N: Special thanks to Melody. I love you.
real (
He can take what Junsu has to offer, but he never promised him his heart as sacrifice. )
Comments 38
its soooooooo beautiful!!! poor chunnie bcuz he had to experiance the heartbroken feeling in his life. what he had done until he deserve something cruel like that?!?!?! ~>_<~
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<3 thank you for reading and commenting.
He tries to swallow the lump in his throat, takes a deep breath - it’s now or never - and opens the door. Junsu, I-
Junsu’s lips separate from Changmin’s with an obscene sound, and Yoochun’s heart stops.
When I read this I actually had to stop, close my eyes, breathe and recollect my thoughts for a moment. You've never been so terrible to the poor Yoochunnie, why now?
But you still had a heavily cynical Junsu and that's you. To be honest, even though it was a one-shot all of your characters seemed to be very well developed. The brotherly-love-don't-misunderstand-but-I-need-you Jaejoong, through the all-knowing Yunho, the wronged-but-also-doing-wrong, confused maknae, to the I'll-always-be-by-your-side-but-love-you-from-afar, mysterious Junsu... and Yoochun, who's in the center of this turmoil, emotional and hurt. How do you do it, Maryam? How?! brb sobbing my lungs out for our crybaby while imagining how he'll woo this ( ... )
Lol omg your comment made me flail in the middle of a group meeting - your compliments always put a hugeass grin on my face. It's like somehow you always GET MEEEE. What did you think of the Minsu though 'cause I wanted it to be subtle enough to make the conversation a surprise and then finally smack the reader's kokoro with the kiss scene LOL OTL.
The MinSu was subtle, but not too subtle- just enough so that the reader can very quickly put two and two together when Yoochun catches them in the act. Like, while I was reading their conversation it seemed to me that Changmin was just worried about Junsu, you know, worried that his hyung is making a mess by having this twisted relationship with Micky. But then the kiss comes and bam!. His words suddenly echoed very differently in my mind. I bet all the readers felt that way ( ... )
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