I can't really think of a good title!

Dec 08, 2006 23:32

So, i'm totally missing my lj, it's poor and malnourished now....

One word as to the reason: University

Now I kept at the start making posts about how great university is, and whilst it's now calmed down (yes no three nights in a row out till 3am...)

However instead let's have one or two odd pictures....

At the union, on the phone and kind of dancing....men just can't multitask....thanks Heather for that.

That'll be when Sam and I went back to London, I thought i'd just include...well just because

and then one from raisin Monday....this is where you go to your academic parents (not really academic, their normally drunk really...) and they dress you up and you have a giant foam fight...

An indian dance night photo, odd the photo should have been darker but i'm not complaining.

Halloween weapons+Alaina coming over to work on the psych lab report=...well...insanity?

It's been a fun semester, highlights:
-Going back to London with Sam. He's studying with me here and he's from NY state, awesome guy, I may have some photos of him somewhere. We ended up having a great laugh in London.
-Football arguaments with roomie, place two guys in a room and they talk about football they are bound to get on...
-Bindi nights
-Insane economics lecturers ("This 5 year old was a right scumbag..")
-Midnight Beach bonfires...

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