65 от начала космической эры

Oct 04, 2022 23:08

Будет ли продолжение в ближайшем будущем?
Что же поделюсь мотивирующей филковой песенкой

UnReal Estate 02 - Red Star Rising

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Исполнитель - австралийский инженер испытатель :)

We've listened to you laugh about Chernobyl and Afghanistan,
Perhaps you should have listened to all those five-year plans.
Patience has rewarded us, as only patience might,
And there's a new red star in the east tonight.

Step by step, we leave you here alone.
Step by step, we make your dreams our own.
Step by step, we leave you all behind,
One small step at a time.

We see your apprehension at all that we're becoming.
We build our cities out in space-you sneer at our plumbing.
But be not troubled, Yankee, you've not a thing to fear;
After all, the Russian word for “peace” is “Mir.”


And look to your eastern horizon-can you see the red star rising?
Judging by your culture, we see now why you worry.
Americans! You're always in such a hurry.
We'll soon replace the fable of the tortoise and the hare
With a new one, with an eagle and a bear.


One small step, one giant leap at a time...

Step by step by step by step the longest march
Can be won, can be won.
Many stones can form an arch;
Singly, none. Singly, none.
And together, what we will,
It can be accomplished still.
Many drops can turn a mill.
Singly, none. Singly, none. Singly, none!


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