Of Great Minds and Tea [XMFC/Sherlock crossover]

Oct 18, 2011 00:50

It's been a while. I actually haven't been on LJ much at all lately. Work, classes, life have been taking up all my time. But I recently watched X-Men First Class on a plane last weekend, ♥ McAvoy!Charles, and now I want to read Erik/Charles fics. Apparently, according to chrysan, there are loads of fics? Good. :3 *waits for recs* :P Anyone else on my ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

chrysan October 19 2011, 10:14:02 UTC
The Sherlock crossover was wonderful, fabulous and absolutely delicious. XDDDDD I love you.

Well, as for the fic rec list, it's on my LJ now. I couldn't find the h/c fics on the coin scenes, cos 1) I didn't save them and 2) I didn't bookmark them.

Anyway, there're lots of XMFC fic recs out there beside mine, so you can ref. theirs too. And I'm sure you'll find what u want.


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