Title: Only a Dream
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After “Lie to Me”
Summary: Buffy walks in on Angel and Dru
Notes: For the
btvsats_love hope challenge.
Groping. Licks. Bites. Scratches. Moans. Whispered promises. Legs in positions I've never even imagined before.
They don't see me. Not surprising. They're too caught up in each other to notice that I'm standing here.
Does this mean that he never really loved me? Am I just some sort of passing fling for him? Is this the sort of woman he'd rather be with? Someone wild? Someone dead?
He told her he loved her and that he'd protect her. Does that mean he's through with me?
As I leave his apartment, I can't help but hope that this is some sort of nightmare and that when I wake up, he'll still be in love with me.