NAME: Nicole
AGE: 22
uptauntIM: sick fires bro
E-MAIL: gb2sylvarant [@] gmail [.] com
FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
CHRONOLOGY: Before the Inheritance Ceremony Arc.
CLASS: Anti-Hero
ALTER EGO: He's got a lot of alter-egos. Dr. Borin, a genius mathematician, Master Pao Pao, a boxing expert from Thailand and Reboyama, a substitute teacher are among them.
Sawada Tsunayoshi is a normal kid, that is until he gets a visit from a two-year-old mafia hitman named Reborn. This miniature assassin may look cute with his little suit and big black eyes, but behind that facade is a ruthless killer. He came to this poor kid on orders from the Vongola Family, the mafia's strongest group of gangsters, to make Tsuna their new 10th boss. Whether he likes it or not, Reborn is going to teach Tsuna some very painful lessons.
Reborn hails from Italy. As the 9th Boss's most trusted member, he's usually sent on very dangerous and important missions. He's a member of the Arcobaleno, a group of 7 babies cursed to protect their color-coded pacifiers. He's the Arcobaleno of the Sun, and has a small yellow pacifier around his neck. When he's not killing people for profit and the family's sake, he's often tutoring up and coming mafia bosses how not to fail at being a leader. Nowadays it's on how to take care of your comrades and family. Family is very important people! Without a family a mafia boss is nothing.
But how could a small 2-year-old baby be so ridiculously powerful? Because he's not a normal baby. The Arcobaleno are all full-grown adults who were turned into babies to protect the Tri-Ni-Sette, which is a trio of rings based on a flame-system. Everyone from the Reborn universe is born with dying-will flames. They consist of Sky-Sun-Storm-Rain-Lightning-Cloud-Mist. It becomes important in battles later on, but Reborn doesn't really use flames at all. He's more content to kicking the back of your head, bludgeoning you with a hammer or pumping you full of lead.
Reborn trained himself to be the best prior to the series, and most of his background is shrouded in mystery. After all, a good hitman never reveals personal information. It's a secret. After he was turned into a baby, he couldn't come to terms with his new situation and took to a long exile. Afterwards, he resolved to accept himself and had a colleague named Dr. Shamal erase his past. As a tutor, he's tasked with making sure his student is ready to take over their families by assembling the guardians, and teaching him the ways of the mafia. Aside from that, he also makes sure Tsuna keeps up with his school studies and is always pushing him to study, train and make better grades. He's the best hitman in the history of the mafia back where he's from, and he always honors his obligations to keep that title.
On the outside, Reborn seems pretty calm. He never loses his cool, even in the toughest situations. With his charm and confident charisma, he easily warms up to nice people. He enjoys a good cup of espresso and is often seen sipping it while polishing his gun. His trademark phrase is 'ciaossu', a mix between the italian saying "ciao" and the japanese saying "ossu". He often wears a lot of ridiculous costumes while training Tsuna. He loves freaking out his student by wearing something stupid and having no one but Tsuna recognize that it's him. He's pretty blunt too. Whenever he talks, he's either being brutally honest or he's lying through his teeth. Either way it'll be treated as a fact. That's just the way it is because he's a baby.
Aside from that he's violent. Trigger-happy, he won't hesitate to pull out his gun and threaten you with it if he feels you're annoying him. His students feel a lot of the brunt of his violence, and he'll often kick them, punish them and make them do ridiculous errands. Of course, all of these things usually have a deeper meaning to them. For instance, making Tsuna climb big cliffs help to toughen him up. He takes great pleasure in seeing him complain and whine in pain while trying to make the best out of a situation. One of the reasons he stated for liking to teach Tsuna is that he likes to shoot things, and he can shoot Tsuna lots of times now. Poor kid. But he really does care about Tsuna and the Vongola family. He's not as open about liking Tsuna because he's usually administering lessons in the form of comedic pain.
However, he uses violence only when it's necessary though. He's pretty confident in his abilities and will most likely just play with his words and dodge any incoming attacks before he assaults someone. He's also really good at keeping his composure and not letting minor things get to him. Unless it's for comedic purposes. He won't ever really harm someone seriously, especially if that person is super-nice to him at all times so you don't have to worry about him violence-ing everyone he meets :(
A bit vain, he always keeps his outward appearance looking good, even as a baby. He wears a custom-fitted black italian suit, long brimmed fedora and keeps his spiky black hair neat. His best features are his curly sideburns in his opinion. As a baby his shirt is red and the stripe on his hat is orange, but as an adult he has a yellow shirt and stripe on his hat. Very blunt, he doesn't mind telling someone how pathetic and useless they are. But if you get to know him and remain on his good side, he'll lighten up a bit and consider you a comrade.
Superpower: ability to shape-shift between his baby and adult forms.
His power allows him to call on his curse to change in-between his baby form and his full grown size. He can shift forms whenever he feels like it (though it's not recommended doing it in the public eye) but he can't stay in one form permanently. If he were to stay as an adult for a long period of time, he would be forced to revert back into a baby after a while. There's also no in-between. Can't age himself into a teenager or an old man.
In-canon, he's at the peak of his game physically and mentally. He's skilled in self-defense, so much he can take down people three times his weight and height. His accuracy with his gun is also top-notch, as his shooting time is 0.05 seconds. Very agile, he's able to jump pretty far and high, often jumping onto people's shoulders and sitting on their heads for easy transportation. He can dodge pretty much anything and get some a couple of hits in.
And of course, who can forget Leon. Leon is his partner chameleon. Well, Leon is a special animal partner who can change his shape into many inanimate objects, such as parachutes, hammers, and a special kind of bullet called a Dying Will Bullet. If a person is shot with the Dying Will Bullet, if they have a regret, they'll come back to life powered up and ready to complete their goal with their, you guessed it, dying will. If they don't have any regrets, they end up plain dying. Coming to the City with Reborn has made it so he can only transform into harmless inanimate objects, so Reborn is going to have to use regular bullets in his stay in the city.
[video] [ on the communicator is a small well-dressed baby. he's facing the camera except the brim of his fedora conceals the top half of his face. wait why does a baby have a communicator? ]
Interesting that we are here to be heroes when the very people who brought us for that purpose are the ones who seems the most villainous. If they even are people. They didn't give me the pleasure of being able to meet with them firsthand to discuss this arrangement. I have a feeling that I won't be able to anytime soon either. Which is fine. I won't dig too much into it at the moment.
[ he then takes a moment to adjust his hat revealing his round black eyes ]
In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for a good cup of top-quality espresso. The selection of coffee makers to buy aren't very good and I'm afraid my own equipment was left behind by my sudden move. I'm open to restaurant suggestions if you have any. Just send me the name of the place and I'll find it on my own. Ciao~! [ and then the feed cuts off ]
Life sure had an odd way of turning things around when you least expect it. Reborn was definitely used to that happening to him, especially in his line of work. Being a good hit-man required you to always be prepared for the unexpected and to always watch your back, no matter the circumstance. And even this time, Reborn kept his cool through it all. But that didn't mean he couldn't think about his current situation. He had experienced something similar to this before, when he was carried into the future 10-years-later by that stupid cow's bazooka. Except this time was different.
Reaching into his pocket, he took out the yellow pacifier he had been tasked with guarding. It's light was no longer as dim as it was before. The brim of his fedora cloaked his eyes as he gazed on the pacifier. He had worn this thing around his neck for a long time, and it was a constant reminder of what he had given up in order to protect it. Funny, it always seemed a lot bigger before. Being able to hold it in his palm gave him a strange sensation. He was still getting used to the ability his new "employer" gave him.
Of course he was still a bit annoyed about the whole thing. Just as Tsuna was going to realize his goal and accept his role as the 10th Boss of Vongola too. It was only a few days away. He was a bit worried that Tsuna wouldn't show up to the ceremony but Reborn had planned on making him despite his protests. Even after fighting all of those impossible odds, he still refused to be a part of the mafia. It annoyed him so much. That stupid student of his.
He then chuckled to himself. Even now, he was thinking about Tsuna's well-being. He wasn't entirely worried about it though. He has his very loyal guardians to back him up if trouble ensued. Compared to when they first met, Tsuna had grown a lot. That was good enough until he could find a way back home and remind him that he still had a tutor. But until that time, he was just going to have to deal with it. Maybe he could go visit some of the local mafias and see if they were any good. It would help him get used to being over a foot tall again. His family will always be the Vongola though.
Reborn is a member of the mafia. While he's part of the good guys in the manga, he's still a hit-man and he still does illegal things. Because the mafia does that. But he's also specifically a member of the Vongola, so he probably won't associate himself entirely with any of the local mobs.