We have 3 beautiful icons. Voting for Challenge 11 is under the cut. Please read the voting instructions before you vote. Feel free to ask people to come and vote, but do not ask people to vote for you!
kolibrichen &
narniacmr cannot vote.
I would appreciate it if all members of the community vote regardless of your participation in this round.
Good luck! (
challenge 11 voting )
Comments 4
#3 - The green is so bright that it's overpowering. It's hard to see what's happening in the icon because it's just a sea of green.
Favorite icon:
#2 - I like how the color you chose is obviously blue but it isn't so overpowering; you can still see the person clearly & the background has a focus also.
Favorite: #002: The color choice fits very well, bringing in both the figure in the foreground as well as the flowers in the background, plus the filled in space behind. She is clearly in the front, and it's a beautiful crop. The figure is large enough to fill the space and the flowers flesh out the icon, giving it depth. Good lighting.
001 - the empty space around the icon doesn't really work well for this particular icon. the overcast that seems to cover part of the image also detracts rather than enhances.
Favorite icon:
002 - lovely icon. coloring is great without the face being too blue.
Note: i was so torn between 003 and 002 i would have liked to vote for them jointly. :D
1 - while vibrant colouring, the merging of foreground and background did not seem finished, since at the top of the head/hair it merged with background and elsewhere a brighter contour is visible around the woman
Favorite icon:
2 - balanced crop, interesting use of colour tones, matching foreground
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