Somewhat like Dan Savage (article), I've had a hard time believing that someone as hateful as Rick Santorum would actually run for president. On the other hand, there seem to be a fairly large number of are-you-shitting-me names that have come up :(
Found this gem in a microsoft support article from 2006: "Moving files between computers on a floppy disk (the so-called "sneakernet") is a thing of the past." While I agree that the floppy-disk sneakernet is a thing of the past, I believe microsofts's network technology has caused it to be replaced with the USB flash drive sneakernet.
I want a box with a big red "shut down in X minutes" button, which I can plug my computer in to so that if it's taking it's time shutting down I can hit this button and leave the office, knowing that in a few minutes the computer will be off whether it wants to be or not. A key switch to abort the countdown would be nice, as would a way to adjust
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This is my favorite line so far. If nothing else, it makes me feel better about our codebase at work.
If line 38 is $125,100 or less and you did not provide housing to a Midwestern displaced individual, multiply $3,650 by the number on line 6d. Otherwise, see page 37.