Title: Take What You Can Style: Prose Genre: Drama Rating: G Length: Drabble Prompt: “Charm” from lilfluffykitten Warnings: CotBP-inspired Authoress: LJ - cassiopaya, GJ - smw006 Characters: Anamaria-centric Word Count: 220 Inspiration: One More Day Challenge at raise_the_dead Summary: Anamaria retires from Jack Sparrow’s crew.
Dawn Reflections by gryphons_lair Pairing: none Rating: G Warnings: none Written for the One More Day Challenge on raise_the_dead A 'cut scene' from the Men Must Work series.
Title: "Fire" Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own this character. I make no profit off this work. Summary: Written for the prompt, Fire, at raise_the_dead, about Andrew Gillette.