Good evening, Cougar Ridge!
cougar_ridge_v2 is under new management! Please pardon our dust! The game will still be open while we remodel!
From the Editor's Desk
If you read the regular edition of today's Gazette, you already know that moderation of the game has changed hands. The game will mostly continue as it has done, but there will be a few things that will get tweaked. For one thing, the Gazette posts will be open to out-of-story comments. This is hopefully going to allow for more feedback between players, characters, and the GM (that would be me).
This is not intended to become a forum for general conversation, but a place for people to get more information about the game. If you have a question specific to one of your characters, use that character to post the question. If you have a general question or comment, you can use your regular LiveJournal account, particularly if you think posting it in character would give away who you are! Any questions you don't want to post here you can e-mail to me at the address below.
Another change is the addition of the
cougar_ridge_v2 entity into gameplay. If there are matters that need GM-type attention during the week, in-story - e.g. Emilia could do research about the box she found and want to know what she learns - the
cougar_ridge_v2 entity will comment to the weekly entry. If you have a question of that sort, please drop me an e-mail at the address below.
The weekly entry will, obviously, be a little late this week, but should be up before too much longer. First I have to figure out just what Meri did with the dating on the entries . . .
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that you don't want to include here on the Gazette entry, please send me an e-mail at cougar(dot)ridge(at)earthlink(dot)net. Feel free to call me "Great God GM," or just G3.
Okay, you don't really have to call me that.
Hopefully we'll have the game back up and running smoothly by the time this week is over. Please bear with me as I try to fill Hook and Meri's shoes. I only have two feet, after all.
I do have one request. Would all characters who intend to stay in the game please post a comment here stating such? It would be nice to know what we have to work with.
Thank you all for taking the time to read through this. I've had great fun with the game so far, and I hope we can all continue to enjoy ourselves with it.