Well, I'd say my attempt at keeping up a journal for a semester in England was a total flop. I'm just too lazy to do it. Now that I'm home, I'm just gonna list the ups and downs on my experience. Who knows? It might come in handy for someone or something. :d
Let's start with the good. Something I'd definitely rather reflect on. C:
⊕ Harlaxton Manor is awesome
⊕ went to two Doctor Who museums
⊕ ate at a diner in Cardiff that was used to film opening 6th season
⊕ ate at the table used by the Doctor!
⊕ went wine tasting in Tuscany, and didn't like it
⊕ was at hotel with room mates, and when one was describing someone else, the door was knocked on and she ran and locked herself in the bathroom
⊕ tried to ditched loose change at restaurant by using it to pay bill, got it back for change
⊕ kept buying sheep for Dr. Bujak, and are encouraging future Harlaxton students to do the same
⊕ ran around in a shark mascot costume for the costume ball
⊕ some drunk dude tried to drag me away to his room while still in said costume
⊕ went on a dice run in Lincoln
⊕ took stalker pictures of Ashely and Jordan in Drayton Manor
⊕ got to spend a weekend with Joyce and Iris in A-dam
And the bad... which seem to outshine to good from time to time... -____-"
☠ almost left my computer charger behind
☠ within less than five minutes of being in my room in Harlaxton, my power strip and alarm clock die
☠ have to buy an English DS charger because US ones don't work
☠ British food and internals have a war → puke in first BS lecture and miss rest of first day classes
☠ slams finger in taxi door, black out for about 10 seconds about 5-10 minutes later, shipped the the ER/Accident Ward
☠ on trip back to London from Cardiff, rail card is stolen and have to buy new ticket to Grantham
☠ magically acquired lice in early April
☠ plane to Houston leaves 2 hours and 42 minutes late → missed flight from Houston to OC
Granted, I'm grateful for the experience and had a lot of fun, I'm really happy to be back State side. :D