Well the things that got cut out of my throat arn't cancer, I'm on a pump to reduce the swelling of my vocal cords, and I go back to see the doc. in 6 weeks, now here is why I,m pissed off...
The many faces Alice
January 24th 2008
Well I was right, from the start I wanted to just leave my ferrets with my folks and have a CLSC nurse drop in and see me at my apartment, but my parents objected strongly and I had to go stay with them. My mother knows I can’t stand to hear her and my dad snipe at each other, so she promised it would not happen during my stay, and I could be completely relaxed… here it is about two week later and I was ready days ago to shoot myself for falling for her song and dance again!
With my convalescence here my mother finds herself with literally a captive audience, I got to hear everything that’s wrong with my dad before even going in to my operation (once it was too late to arrange outside care), and once I was in their condo (unable to run) what is wrong in each of there lives, its like I’m some kind of confession booth, only I can’t comment on how they should fix it or tell them to tell each other what they tell me because I end up getting ‘The Look’ that clearly says I’m just expected to sit there and listen not offer solutions (because that would mean they’d actually have to work on fixing their problems).
Today was at least the fourth time during my stay that my mother used the ‘If I see you spend any money I won’t trust you to save for your condo and I won’t help you with the down payment like I said I would.’ lecture. We were in Wal-mart and all I did was say I wanted to get a DVD of what we both thought a fantastic movie (the reason we were in the store to start with), a film she’d said she wanted see just as much as I did. I don’t know if anyone remembers when I wrote that having my mother offer to help me put a down payment on a condo, what she herself called ‘an advance on my inheritance’ would make her think she now owned my life (again) and would start to order me around as she pleased by holding that fact over my head. Well I haven’ gotten a place yet, she hasn’t had to put a penny down, and already she is pulling on the leash. I love this woman but I will not be forced to do her bidding over this, I haven’t sold her control of my over this ‘gift’ she insisted on helping me with.
My father in his way is as bad, I have many things that need to be done in my apartment, many which they’ve been harping on in the past, so I want to go back now that I know I’m able to care for myself with out worry, but the mere mention of me thinking about returning to my place has him flying off the handle. I spoke about going back to my place a couple days ago (I’m sick of hearing about every problem in their relationship, personal body functions, having to hear my mother talking about her sex-life and the reasons for her lack of one), both of them sprang to their feet and started telling me why I could not (the first time since I’ve been here they agreed on anything), and offered alternate days that would be better to stay till. Dad is pushing for another week.
So today I said I wanted to go ‘home’ on Sunday, now my dad is pissed because he knows when I want to go, and my mom is ticked off because I cut off her ‘Spending’ lecture and isn’t speaking to me. But hey here I am, I’ve had major surgery, and I’m in one of the most stressful places I could have ended up… Patric you were right when you told me,
“Sweetie, never go anywhere that you can’t make a dramatic exit from.”
PS: I’m trying to be home by Sunday night.