The End of a Long Term Problem and The Beginning of A New One

Sep 09, 2009 22:35

This has been coming for a long time.

Two years and 1 month ago, I joined Teletech. Today, I leave it.

Guilt-ridden though I am, for I was the sole bread winner for my family, this had to be done. I will begin my search for a new job asap.


Here is my Letter of Resignation:

Ms. [Manager's name removed]:

I have done some considerable thinking as to what was said during our coaching session yesterday, and I have come to a conclusion. It is not a conclusion I have come to lightly, but in the light of recent events, I personally believe it is for the best.

When I first came to Teletech the atmosphere was much different. It was a lot more relaxed, if not down right fun with all the “events” that used to take place to keep the morale up for us. But then all that changed, and all those events were taken away. Now, I walk into the building and it seems as if it has become more serious - more morose.

It became even worse with the implementation of the 5 GP policy. Granted, I understand how important they are to the call flow and that Sprint wants us to use them. But has the standard been risen too far? I feel it has. We are human, and humans are bound to make mistakes. But when one mistake can put you under such a spotlight that if you make one more mistake that you are walked out, then Teletech, if not Sprint, on the whole, has set itself up for failure in the end. Combine that with the stresses of Handle Times, Upgrade Pushes, the lack of floor support to help us when we need them most, and the typical stresses dealing with consumers, then it is, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster.

A recent email comes to mind - that of the customer who decided she was going to quit after twelve years with Sprint. She had horrible customer service and no one to take the time to help her. Instead, she was given the runaround by both care and the store. What does this have to do with the 5GPs? Think of it like this.

Sadly enough, a lot of my calls do entail a person who has become so fed up with Sprint that my handling of that call makes all the difference. This is where handle time is thrown to the back burner and I examine every inch. What have other agents said and done? What is it that the customer is looking for? And then, do I have to transfer that call? And if I do, how can I be sure that the next agent does his/her job? Suppose I do transfer that customer, and the agent I sent the customer to promises him/her that the issue is finally resolved, when in fact, it is not, just to get him/her off the phone? But the customer says yes on the survey they get before realizing the issue is not fixed and he/she has to call in yet again.

To me, at least, the asking if someone will say “yes” to the IR question of an Advantis survey is worthless. We practically beg people to say yes to it and in fact we have done nothing at all. Granted, cosmetically, we get one survey closer to the ever-so-coveted JD Powers and Associates trophy, but do we really have any claim to our fame other than the fact we coerced customers into a false sense of security? And what about the confirmation emails claiming we added that feature when in fact we did not? And on top of that, what if the agent never so much as documented the call? Not to mention, the customer has called in multiple times, but has already talked to supervisors?

I once had a customer tell me that, when I asked him the survey question, he said, “I think Sprint needs to build better self-confidence.” That struck a chord within me. If I were to call into a company, and they asked me something similar to, “Would you say I resolved your issue?” I honestly think I would agree with that particular customer - is this company so lacking in confidence that they have to ask me this? If so, would I keep my business with them? If it were me, I’d probably be reconsidering my contract as well.

That’s just a point to reflect on.

Nevertheless, rules are rules and as the old saying goes, particularly with agents, “Ours is not to question; only to act.” But there comes a point when our actions seem as pointless as the orders that are given to us. And when a situation is indeed hopeless, there is only one option one must consider.

And I have, especially with the fact that I was given a “final” warning for something that I was honestly not aware of. Yes, you may argue my case to your manager, but I have doubts that she will forgive such transgressions. After all, she has to watch her back as well.

This in mind, I am formally filing this letter not only as a complaint against Sprint and Teletech, but also as my two weeks notice, effective today, 09/09/2009. I intend to terminate my employment with Teletech effective 09/25/2009. The reasons are 1) I feel that I have overstayed my welcome. 2) There are practices in place I do not agree with and do I wish to participate in any longer. 3) Finally, quite frankly, the stress of this job has taken its toll and the best way to alleviate it is to know when to fold my hand and let the chips go.

With Regretful Sincerity,

They gave me the option of leaving today as it is only a formality to stay the two weeks. For my health (as the stress is indeed killing me) I decided to take them up on the offer. However, it is a compliment to know your Supervisor and HER manager agree with the points that I touched in this letter. My style was "eloquent and to the point."

They even thought of sending a copy to the CEO of Sprint.

Fat Chance of that Happening.

Now, I face rough times ahead. Can I find a new job in this broken economy? Will I be able to provide for my family again?

Goddess, grant me the strength to carry myself through this trying time. Grant me the courage to accept this turn of events and to move on. And finally, grant me the serenity and wisdom of knowing I have done what is right for myself without acting out of selfishness.

But I fear that is what I may have done.

- Cougarmint.
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