Character's name: Doctor Faiza Hussain/Excalibur
Character's canon: Marvel Comics - Specifically Captain Britain and MI:13
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
Faiza is the only daughter in her family. Possibly the only child, as we don't see any others in canon. She is devoted to her family, willing to do what she needs to to protect them, but she also wants to make her family proud of her. She's always wanted to help people and was probably one of those few children who hoped, come puberty, that they'd acquire mutant abilities. Since it didn't happen for her, she decided to do something more mundane but probably more necessary: she became a doctor.
She doesn't tend to get thrown much or for very long. Faiza is incredibly good at thinking on her feet and taking charge of a difficult situation. She stayed in the middle of a battle zone with the Skrulls so that she could keep doing triage and get the injured sorted out. She's a confident person when it comes to medicine or general interpersonal things. She's less so when it comes to the whole 'being a superhero' thing. She's still feeling her way through that.
While Faiza is Muslim, she isn't incredibly religious. She's never seen going to mosque or even really talking about her religion except when it's brought up by others, such as Dracula. She does, however, keep to the hijab, only showing her face and hands in public. She is never seen without the hijab headcovering, to the point where even her armor as the Black Knight's steward has a chainmail hijab. This also translates back to the family devotion, though she is pretty independent and while she wanted her parents' approval of her work with MI:13, she was more than ready to do it no matter what their decision because she felt it was that important.
Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline: Faiza is post-Vampire State. This means that Dracula has been defeated and killed (again), Dane's no longer subject to the stone heart curse, her father's been turned into a vampire and Faiza's basically a knight. Hey, she managed to kill Dracula! It has to count for something.
If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:
Thanks to being hit by a Skrull war machine, Faiza has control over living beings to an unknown extent. What is known of her powers is that she can open up a body, see what's wrong with it and sort it out at a subatomic level. People that she does this to remain conscious and talking while she's doing it. She can also do it to the clothing a person is wearing, which is good in that it doesn't leave them naked afterward. She can also immobilize multiple people at the same time without taking them apart, an effect that lasts until she releases it.
When she's using her powers, her hands and the person she's working on are surrounded by a blue glow. The powers are primarily defensive, though she's learned to use them to heal injured people around her.
Her powers do not really work on anybody created by or infused by magic. It gives her a blinding headache from the backlash. While she may be able to heal small wounds--she healed Spitfire from being staked--she does pay a heavy price.
She is also the current wielder of the Marvel version of Excalibur.
Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):
Faiza is a trained medical doctor with experience in emergency medicine, triage and likely surgery. She also has an extraordinary amount of knowledge about the British superhero community. She probably knows as much about British superheroes and their fights as MI:13 themselves do. She also follows cricket. It's her "other fandom". (Which prompted the line, "You're calling British occult intelligence and the S.A.S. a 'fandom'?") It does tend to give her a better insight into her co-workers than most others might imagine.