(no subject)

Jul 18, 2009 17:26


Name/Alias: Saskia {Hard to Live in the City by Albert Hammond Jr.}
Personal LJ: butterbuns
E-mail Address: butterbuns@gmail.com
AIM: SporkedIllusion


Character: Rose Tyler
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character age: 26
Residence: Manhattan in a flat rented out by Torchwood
Occupation: Working for Torchwood
If [student], then specify school:

Reserved Character? Yes

Do you have other characters in the game already? N

Canon or AU? Canon to the end of her run on the show, so I guess AU because she’s from after that?
Supernatural powers? Nope
Wikipedia [or other] link to Canon Information: Wiki & Doctor Who Wiki

Anything else we should know? She’s grown up a lot from where we’ve seen her in canon, and that has a bearing on how she acts now, and is currently in a state of wibbly wobbly timey wimey flux. thanks to someone reversing the polarity of the neutron flow

In-Game Backstory: Rose Marion Tyler was born to Pete and Jackie Tyler 26 years ago. Pete died when she was 6 months old, and she’s been living with her mother in the Powell Estates for her entire life before she met the Doctor. She was dating a boy who lived in her building named Mickey Smith for about a year before disappearing, leading people to think he’d murdered her. She spent two years travelling with the Doctor, only to find herself sucked into an alternate universe during an invasion by the Daleks and Cybermen. In the alternate universe (heretofore known as Pete’s World), the Cybermen were also trying to take over, previous to their time in the other universe, and were stopped by the Doctor and his TARDIS-mates, but not before the Jackie Tyler in that world was turned into one. Jackie met the Pete of Pete’s World during this universe’s problem with alien pests, and the wound up falling in love and going to Pete’s World, which is how Rose was stopped from falling into the void; Pete used a teleporter and caught her just before she would have been sucked in, taking her into his universe before the walls between them were closed.

From there, she began working for Torchwood, and dealing with alien threats of her own, before the darkness came. As time runs 3 years ahead in Pete’s World, they were able to develop a dimension cannon to allow her to try and find the Doctor to stop the darkness. When the half-human Doctor was created, he was deemed to dangerous for this universe, and sent back to Pete’s World with Rose who was more than reluctant to go.

The two grew a TARDIS (thanks to Donna’s instructions), and had been travelling the stars just like she’d done with her first Doctor, the same things she did that changed him into a better man after the way she’d first met him after the Time War. She soon learned, however, that the half-human Doctor was a far darker sort than his Ninth regeneration ever was, and decided to leave him to his own devices for a time, returning to work for Torchwood, who had decided they needed people in America, and had sent her there to head up a new sector of the unit. Thanks to a slip in the timestream, she’s been returned to her first universe, but both are blending together, just enough, that it’ll take something major to have her notice.


Third Person Sample: Kicking back on the couch, Rose set her cup of tea on the small table beside it, before flicking on the TV. It was late, but she’d just gotten home from work and that always left her pumped up and unable to sleep. Flipping through channels, she suddenly stumbled across her own face on the screen and paused on the Time Travel channel, turning up the volume.

“Rose Tyler, on this episode of True Hollywood Story,” the TV spoke, as it showed a few more images of her.

“WHAT?” She sat bolt upright, goggling at the television. “They did a...and didn’t tell....what!?”

Taking a breath she sat back and set down the remote, intent on finding out exactly what in the hell they were going to say about her.

“Earth defender Rose Tyler began her life in another universe, where she first met The Doctor, as he was saving her life from the Autons.“

“Bollocks,” she muttered, crossing her arms. “If it weren’t for me, he would have been toast.”

“....travelling with him, until he regenerated after yet another battle with the Daleks.”

“Saved him there too,” Rose shook her head, remembering the day that had all happened. “But of course, they don’t mention that. Wouldn’t do to hurt the Doctor’s reputation.”

“....turned into a dog owned by Pete and Jackie Tyler.”

“Who was turned into a dog?” A voice from the doorway asked, as Rose quickly turned off the TV.

“No one, Doctor,” she said quickly, shaking her head slightly. “Bloody tabloids, I wasn’t turned into one, I just happened to be one in this universe.”

“Oh, saw that broadcast, did you?”

“You knew? Thank you for the warning!”

“Oh, it wouldn’t be fun if I told you everything ahead of time, would it?”

"Of course not, but things like this..."

"So, off we go then, to Raxacoricofallapatorius?" He asked desperately, trying to change the subject.



Your hearing, or your eyesight?
That’s not even a question. After everything I’ve done, everywhere I’ve been? Not to have been able to see any of it...it wouldn’t have been as completely wonderful. Of course, I like being able to hear, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, what is being able to see everything worth?

Would you sleep with your boss to keep from losing your high-end job?
Of course not. I work for my father. Sort of. That would just be weird.

Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
Well, I suppose that to most people I already have died. And I’d do it again in a second. I died saving the world, saving him. Of course had I not nearly been sucked into the void, I may have really died, but for him it would be for the greater good. So that’s who I’d die for. Everyone.

Who or what, if anything, would you kill for?
I already have. I’ve killed Daleks, killed Cybermen. It was for the world. Had it not been done, I don’t think the places we live in would be nearly as pleasant. Would be nearly as safe. Safety for the world is what I’d kill for. It’s my job, it’s what I do. And I love it.

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re alone?
Think about everything I’ve done. I know it sounds stupid, but I’ve seen and done so much, so many things most people never get to know about, let alone actually experience. So I think about that. I read my diaries from when I was younger. I wish I could still do all that.

If you were stranded on an island and could only take one thing, what would it be?
The TARDIS. What else would I need?

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe in monsters and aliens? Why would love at first sight be so different? S’never happened to me, but with everything I’ve seen, I can’t say it’s not out there somewhere in the universe. Plenty of other things are.

Describe the most difficult experience you have ever had to deal with.
How about the worst day of my life? That was difficult, standing on that bloody bay, knowing I would never see him again. It hurt. More than I ever thought it could hurt to see someone leaving my life. Mum may have found a new family, a new world, but he’d become mine, and I wasn’t ready to let go. I always wanted to know what the end of that sentence was going to be, and when I finally found out, I was glad the sun burnt out, because I couldn’t have listened to him say it.

Leaving my universe, and everything I know, behind? I’d say that was difficult.

Describe how you met your best friend.
I was playing at a park one day. On the swings, Mum was pushing me. A ball went flying over my legs and I accidentally kicked him when he tried to get it. At least, that’s how I always thought I met Mickey, because we were so close when we were younger.

Turns out, I actually met him the day my father died. He was there at the church. So really, I’ve known him for all but six months of my life. I don’t even know if he realizes that. We’ve been friends so long though, I don’t even think those extra four years would make a difference. He’ll always be my best friend, no matter how far away from each other we are, even though I know we’ll probably never see each other again.
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