Let's assume for a moment that Newt Gingrich, egomaniacal old queen, will suddenly come down with a case of the Humbles and gracefully bow out of his campaign for more money and handjobs (he won't
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Seems like an accurate analysis. It's kind of a fascinating train wreck, or clown car wreck, they have going on. I wonder if they are all just going through the motions so that they'll be more ready in 4 years or if they secretly believe that there will be some kind of lucky transformative event that will give them the election. I'm assuming the primary plan is to simply keep stonewalling all legislature for another 4 years.
At this point, the idea seems to keep the horses running as long as possible, in the interest of keeping the electorate excited enough (and distracted enough) that they can keep Congress in the fall. And of course, hoping that a miracle will occur and a "real" conservative will have a prayer in the general election, but I want a unicorn pony, too.
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