Saturday afternoon after I got home from work, Mike and I decided that we were going to camp out outside of a store to try to get a Nintendo Wii. We got to Target around 5:30pm and got the last two spots in their line for the 7:00am release.
Eric and his roommate Craig checked for spots at Wal Mart at about 6:30 and they secured two spots, and called us to let us know that there were still 9 available spots at Wal Mart. Since we enjoy their company, we decided to abandon our two spots at Target to spend the 13 hour wait with them. Although, I was so scared that the 9 spots would fill up at Wal Mart before we could high tail it across the street that I was threatening Mike's health and safety! Lol. I let him drive my car to Wal Mart and he squealed out of the Target parking lot and across the street and he dropped me off and I ran and *whew* we got our two spots in the line.
Wal Mart was only getting 20 Nintendo Wiis and there were already 15 people in line at 6:30pm, ready for the long, cold, 11 hour wait on the concrete. Awesomely, there were 5 other Nintendo DSs so we linked up and played MarioKart DS. Also, we played Rummy and Magic the Gathering!
Mike, Eric, Craig, and I decided that we should start a list of people in the order that they were there so that things would stay organized, there would be no disputes over spots, and people wouldn't be nervous about getting up to pee, going for a walk to stretch out, etc. This was a perfect solution and worked wonderful, AND it made me the boss of the entire line! LOL
It was kind of humorous, since I was holding the list, people would ask me permission to go to the bathroom, to go into Wal Mart to buy some snacks, even a pair of socks, before they closed. People were even asking me questions about how things would go down when it was time to get games/accessories like I was some authorized personnel or something. It was sweet. A Wal Mart employee in charge of the whole thing actually made my list official, too, when he came out to check on us sometime after midnight.
Erika came to visit me around Midnight and stayed until 3:00am. We pretty much acted like dumbasses as we usually do. She brought her camera since I had forgotten mine and got some pics of us camping out. Mostly of Mike and Eric huddling for warmth. The stretch from 5:00 to 7:00 was the worst it was SO cold I thought my toes were going to fall off!
^Yeah, we know it only has 2 i's but even though I was wearing four sweatshirts, I was too cold to think straight!
At around 6:00am we all lined up at the Garden entrance ready for our Wii tickets and then people began showing up thinking that they would be able to get a Wii and we had to turn a lot of people away saying that they were all accounted for. A few really shady people were trying to cut up to the front of the line after only just getting there 15 minutes before open. I put them in place by doing a List role call and having everyone line up in order.
Then when doors opened at around 6:45 I gave the list to the guy in charge and he disappeared with it and said 5 more minutes. Then the doors opened and a lady with tickets began passing them out, WITHOUT THE LIST! It could have been chaos but because we had all been sitting together, hanging out, there was somewhat of a bond there and nobody tried anything, even though some people could have gotten away with cheating, there was a trust that kept everything perfect.
15 or so hours later I was playing Zelda: Twilight Princess in the warmth of my apartment. But I had to let Mike have his turn so he is playing Call of Duty 3 now.
And I am in love with my Wii!!
Yay for obnoxious glittery hearts!