Ahahaha o crap. I've missed like, what... 6? 7? weeks of tracking threads now? F-fail. I keep meaning to go back and collect them all and I keep... putting it off. orz'''.
31/03 - 7/04
Gilly and talks to him about their various home situations
Talks to
Jr. about war LOL talk about your depressing conversations
And also with
George about Franz
Gets into a
bitchfight with Franz A++++ retardation, Albert, gj. Proceeds to get
non-conned by Haruhi.
Mikuru and tries to assure that everything will Be All Right. Really!
Ichijou-san and just... WTFs for a bit.
Boggles at
Yuma's straightness Talks to
Jr about... lots of random stuff, olol. Mostly about food and the weather gj small-talk buddies |D.
Talks to
Gilly about technology and then about home situations and then about Franz :Db.
Talks to
Haruhi about FranzTalks to
Rubedo about ages HA HA JOKES ON YOU, ALBERT.
Toph and tries not to be offended :(.
Gets molested by
Toph's sandsharks, e-except I never finished that thread because I got distracted by the love meme orz'''' fail.
Peony off for dropping sharks on him, then joins him up on the roof to watch ensuing chaos.
Talks to
Jr about beaches and travelling between worlds, woohoo.
Why do I always get the feeling like I missed something ;O;.