Deep down, I'm an angry individual and have a lot of stuff screwing with my head/mental state.
Maybe that's why I have so much fun beating the crap out of stuff whenever I happen to do that (hammering something, punching the crap out of a punching bag or something thick and padded, breaking stuff...when needed) and maybe that's why metal is such a good release for me.
Lots of things are on my mind that I'm having trouble taking care of, and that sucks.
Also, people need to shut up and stop giving me crap about not having my license yet. I might break one day and I don't want that to happen.
As much as I feel happy for people that are in relationships, I'm sick of people rubbing it in my face about "how great it is" or "just how happy they are together" or whatever. I know how great it is, I've had that experience before (be it a looooooong time ago). I don't need it beat into my head constantly. Now granted there are exceptions who know how to have GREAT relationships but keep it toned down on the sappy-love-fairytale meter, a good majority of people I know make me want to slap them constantly. Thankfully, no one on here is under the "people I want to slap" list.
Speaking of people I want to slap, there are a few people I know that I just want to smack the living crap out of for certain things they keep saying and doing.
I laugh (and will laugh) every time some pompous a-hole I knew in school gets hit hard with the real world. Just because you are able to get away with tuff now doesn't mean you will in the future. Again, this isn't towards anyone that actually reads this journal, but is against some people I know and have known.
Rant is over for now. That was something I needed to do.