Sep 21, 2004 10:46
Going to Confess this weekend, going down on Friday early enough.
Check into room (after a drink or two on the train), have good hotel shower, check out the place. Go have a decent meal. Meet people in pub more than likely.
Sep 17, 2004 14:15
The confess senario is gone, Woot!
Sep 13, 2004 16:06
The Beth character is working out better than I thought she would. And the wee trip to the city has peeked the players interest.
Silent hill will be sent out tomorrow.
Sep 10, 2004 12:37
Hmm saterday has been set aside for finishing typing up the Silent Hill senario. Godamn it. And then of course I have to do up some details for every one now curretly on the "other side" of the city in KULT.
Sep 08, 2004 11:47
Excellent film and highly recomended. A Cthulhu setting with a hardass superhero. Ron Perlman, Hurt and the Nials from Frazier steal the show. And the look of the thing was great. They could have done more with the villians but they were introducing a new chracter.
Go see Hellboy.
Sep 01, 2004 15:59
Comment to this entry with a post you think would be totally out of character for me - something I'd never talk about, never discuss, never say, anything. It has to be completely out of character. Then post this in your own journal.
Aug 19, 2004 16:27
Looking for details on how to self-publish in Ireland. They doesn't seem to be very forthcoming anywhere I've looked to print with. Hmmm
Thought is needed.
Aug 09, 2004 15:47
Really happy Silent Hill ran really well. Its a linear senario but it doesn't require much gm prompting the players. My house mate sat in and now thnks I'm supremely fucked up for writing it. It is a horror game come on.
Anyway Confess should be happy.
Aug 07, 2004 21:28
Senarios done. But now the PACR printer won't bloody work,
God Damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!