Hello, Starsians! Welcome to ACTIVITY CHECK! For November. :D
So, here's how this is going to work. Everyone will need to post a comment in this post between now and December 7th at 11:59 pm, EST with proof of their activity in the game. After that, this post will be locked.
The following is a list of acceptable proof:
☄A log tag
☄A journal post
☄A narrative post
☄An action/quick log tag
☄+5 Journal Comments
Remember: you will need to supply two links of activity from now on.
If you were on hiatus for over half of one part of the activity period (two weeks would be half), your character is exempt for that period. This extends to character deaths and characters apped within the last two weeks of the month as well.
If your character did not make activity for the month, you can ask for a save. It can only be used once. If you ask for a save for your character, you will need to provide us with three links of activity for the following month.
The following characters need to provide three links of proof for their activity this month:
The 10th Doctor
Atton Rand
Uncle Chan
Anyone who does not post to this comment with their proof of activity will be auto-dropped. If that occurs, you may post with your proof after the 8th.
Below is the handy-dandy text box needed for the activity check!