Hey CS! The mods here, bringing you all of the information for your dramatic battle needs - if you have any questions after this, please feel free to ask in the comments
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It can definitely work that way /o/ They can be like... a team that needs some mechanical shit done, idek, new CR is just rad as hell :| and it will work out
MY CONTACT INFO:invoke @ plurk to boldly trek @ aim pm this account
That said! I'd like to adopt a medic and communications person. C: I think Chris said she wanted Andrew to be Buffy's communication guy? But still need a medic if anyone wants to jump on board with these guys.
THAT SAID, GAMEPLAN PLOTTING. Given the people on her team, Buffy will probably try and split them up to attack the ship on several fronts as they make their way up to the bridge, since they're all very capable. Maybe teams of two and oen of the teams bringing the medic along with the communications person talking to both teams remotely?
I briefly considered putting Andrew over on Spike's side so she could have someone on her team making sure... Spike stays on task or something, but I AM SO FAR DOWN WITH HIM WORKING FOR EITHER. He just needs to be with Slayer people or... IDK. Shenanigans. But if it's too much of me on one team, then I'll move him over, because... Nico's pretty insistent on keeping with Buffy, she'll probably go along as a point guard? And probably stay behind and hold fire while Buffy and the infiltrators do their thing.
Fuck yeah! So I think Shepard will keep them together and we can go in ME-style, with hanger on Marco sort of like, scoping shit out for them? Scott and Jack could act as the ~distraction forces~, Shepard will take lead, and Anakin could help direct them to their while all kick ass and take major names?
Comments 128
'karanseraph" on Plurk. "karanaseraph@yahoo.com" on AIM
Lion-O will have been assigned through the NJO. His skills include precog, sword fighting, cat-agility and stuff like that.
Oh, and Cheetara and Tygra will be attempting to come after him to protect him, whether the strike team really wants them to, or not.
Plurk: kindaklutzy
Tonks is a Jedi. Her abilities include creating illusions that can fool both the human eye and tech.
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to boldly trek @ aim
pm this account
That said! I'd like to adopt a medic and communications person. C: I think Chris said she wanted Andrew to be Buffy's communication guy? But still need a medic if anyone wants to jump on board with these guys.
THAT SAID, GAMEPLAN PLOTTING. Given the people on her team, Buffy will probably try and split them up to attack the ship on several fronts as they make their way up to the bridge, since they're all very capable. Maybe teams of two and oen of the teams bringing the medic along with the communications person talking to both teams remotely?
Anakin Solo
hello, boys yes that includes you, Jack
So. How we wanna do this?
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