I have to pass Chem. It's one of the few classes I am taking that I have no option but to pass. And what is my grade? In the fifty percent range. I can get a D. I think. A C is a different story.
I do not have to take it over with a D, do I? Of so, I'm visiting the mountains.
It depends on the school. You still need a year of physical science correct? That is for graduation, but for some privet universities they don't care. For Humboldt I needed to compleat the CSU reqs, which included two years of science, one biological, one physical. I am not sure what you need for NYU.
I hope you pass it. If you have Bach explain your situation, he may be sympathetic.
I actually just need to get out of high school. :P Can graduate with D, correct? D gets credits, no? (That is the only damn reason I am taking the course.)
Then I'll begin worrying if NYU will boot me out because of the near faliure.
You can get credit for a D, and graduate. The only thing is that a D does not count as passing the class when colleges look at it. But, if NYU dosn't need that class its not a problem. Its like computers, I need to get credit for it, but colleges don't care about it.
Comments 4
I have to pass Chem. It's one of the few classes I am taking that I have no option but to pass. And what is my grade? In the fifty percent range. I can get a D. I think. A C is a different story.
I do not have to take it over with a D, do I? Of so, I'm visiting the mountains.
I hope you pass it. If you have Bach explain your situation, he may be sympathetic.
Then I'll begin worrying if NYU will boot me out because of the near faliure.
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