Update O'Clock

Aug 12, 2003 23:06

So some of you may know that I am in the re - make of "Dawn of the Dead". For those of you who don't, well I am playing a Zombie. It is loads of fun. You are a sack of shit. It is a while in the make up chair, but fun as hell. I should totally strangle you. I took home the latex that was covering my eye the other day, it looked as though I had no ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

soulcrusher August 12 2003, 22:54:27 UTC
i want to be undead.


counterfeit_joy August 16 2003, 11:04:37 UTC
it's fun and the set was amazing on thursday!


eccentrophile August 13 2003, 18:45:43 UTC
i'm so far beyond jealous that you get to live everyday like it was Halloween!

is it okay if i add you to my friends list?
if you don't remember who i am from 169 lowther (i think i only met you a couple times) you will remember the vodka and redbulls we will be having on sept 18... ask shaunna for details.


counterfeit_joy August 16 2003, 11:08:55 UTC
Yes but the temperaturwe is far from Roctober. ANd being on your friends list is fine by me... a fan of Buffy is a friend of mine.


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