Title: Where I Used to Have a Heart
country_whoRating: G
Genre: Character Study
Characters/Pairings: Ten2/Rose
Summary: Humans only have one heart. How can her possibly cope with that?
Author's Note: The title is from Martina McBride's song Where I Used to Have a Heart, but the song itself doesn't really pertain to the fic.
I’m missing a heart. That’s the strangest part of this change. The rhythm that had been my constant companion since childhood is no longer here, and I can’t help but mourn its loss.
I thought it might hurt to run on one heart, but it doesn’t-the metacrisis took care of that, and that makes it worse. I push through life day after day, and almost never notice that I have lost something that used to be so dear to my very survival. The only time that its absence comes to my attention actively is when I’m alone.
It was like a chasm deep inside, which couldn’t be sealed or mended. It felt bottomless It felt impervious.
But, nothing is ever bottomless and nothing is ever broken without the possibility of being fixed.
I filled the hole, replaced the heart.
Now, I hold the love of a pink and yellow girl.