Ah, I was tagged by
a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
These are supposed to be six random things. How does we test things for randomness, we wonders? I suppose that tells you something, but we won't count it. I don't think it is going to be random - it is going to be the first six things that come to mind. And I can't use my
Bob_Frankston pocket protector because I mentioned that in my previous post.
1. Let's see - DW and I took separate honeymoons - and we're still together. (But it wasn't with different partners, so perhaps it doesn't count. As much. But it is still a thing.)
2. Memory not as good as it used to be, so maybe you've seen some of these before, but I did check
this previous listfor duplication. Should work as long as I can remember while going from one list to the other.
3. Just had a quick break for dinner, where the entrée was peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The peanut butter was a carefully hand-blended mixture of freshly ground peanuts and a commercial non-hydrogenated, unsalted offering. The jelly we lovingly made from crab apples from our front yard. The bread was the always-welcome
Manghis'. (OK, I find the ground peanuts, which we get from a Co-op we don't get to often, a bit dry and the commercial stuff a bit oily, and I did blend them very carefully because the jar was nearly full.)
4. We have decided to leave the big Victorian with the crab apple tree in the front yard and black raspberries and the compost bins in the back and move into a single level apartment by the end of the year. Less to take care of and we're getting creaky. But, oh, my, what a lot of junk we have to dispose of! Better us than our kids. I suppose. And DW is likely to outlast me, and I think I have her worried. I don't seem to be able to dispose of computers, printers, or monitors. I have 3 Apple ][s. Thought it was only 2, but found another. And books. I suppose I better start taking those what-to-take-to-a-desert-island memes seriously.
5. The last snow in the pile from off the roof left us yesterday, May 8. Yes, that was on the north side. I mowed the lawn on the south side a week ago. That was with a hand mower - I'd just tuned it up for the growing season and had to give it a test run.
6. Got a copy of Bujold's The Sharing Knife: Passage for the Library, but they don't get it until I've finished the second read-through. Can't keep hardbacks (see #4, above. Very much taken by recent descriptions of e-book readers. Haven't done anything, though.) Good book. Look forward to the next.
Tagging other people. Well, following the splendid lead of merchandisers, we're running a self-service, tag-yourself establishment here. It's the latest thing. You may cite me if it helps.