We're moving.
From an 11 room Victorian with basement, attic, and garage where the two of us do not rattle around because of all of the good junk I accumulate, to a 2 BR & a den condo with no basement, attic, or garage other than parking space. It does have a nice view.
I enjoy computers and migrated into the software business, at home as well as professionally. Since I have retired, I've been associated with a couple of organizations, and people have donated castoffs to them. Which I have accepted. Trouble was, the organizations had better stuff by that time from other sources. So I had this stuff in my attic, basement, garage. As well as my old stuff, which I didn't want to let go for compatibility concerns.
So I have taken 14 or 15 systems to recycling over the past month. Only a few printers. Other obsolete hardware. One I took today was a 30 year old Apple ][ with a SN around 1400. Broke my heart to think about it, but, in fact, the last time I got it going, fifteen years ago, I spent half an hour reseating chips to get off enough oxide so that the circuits would actually run. So I'm down to a mere 8 (not counting PDA, HP100, cellphones, etc.) That's enough so we can show the house. (We got on the cover of the local Picket Fence! Neither DW nor I are in any way cover persons, but we live in a cover house!) But we have to get rid of a lot more stuff before the end of the year.
So I haven't been as active this last month and will probably be less active than my normal low rate for the rest of the year.
One good thing that happened a couple weeks ago:
We took off an afternoon to visit the construction site of our new residence and make some choices. We were in time that I could specify where I wanted cat5 drops; I hope I still feel the same way when I move in!
Then we went to a nearby restaurant that we knew of and celebrated our 49th anniversary. It was Friday the 13th, but 49 is 7 squared, so that defended against any residual bad luck. Very nice dinner, and the staff were very nice to us.